Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The proposed new Egyptian capital stalled.


The proposed new Egyptian capital stalled. (Or).[GoogleTranslate].

He had given fifty days for the dream shared by Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak is launched: Abdel Fattah al-Sissi claimed he could give Egypt a new administrative capital.

Discussed for several months, the project was officially announced on the first day of the conference on the economic development of Egypt in March 2015 in Sharm El Sheikh. Since then, he has still not launched and critics - including President Sissi itself - have only added to the confusion around a project as extravagant and unrealistic.

The model of the new capital, which still has no name, reveals a huge city, futuristic, very inspired extravagant cities in the Gulf, including Dubai. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had insisted that the project actually begins within fifty days following the conference in Sharm El-Sheikh on March 15 . But it is not only stalled but is also criticized.

The government justifies the urgency by the congestion of Cairo and bets on leverage for the whole economy. But the reasons are questionable and highly uncertain outcome. All urban centers relocation attempts have ended in failure, and despite the exorbitant cost of the new program - EUR 43 billion - a new capital will not promote the country's development and risk in contrast to further strengthen the divide between the haves and the poor.

As Louis XIV , who had moved his administration and his court at Versailles, the Egyptian government bunkérise with its rich, far from the centers of protest, far from poverty. While the poor and the rich Egypt Egypt still coexist in Cairo, this time could be gone with the new capital and the rupture between rich and poor would be total. Read the full story here.

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