Sunday, September 12, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Will Obama Enforce Shariah Blasphemy Laws?At his White House press conference Friday, President Obama once again endorsed the placement of a triumphalist mosque in immediate proximity to Ground Zero, declaring it the “inalienable right” of the increasingly transparently immoderate imam determined to build it there. Troubling as this evidence is of Mr. Obama’s submission to shariah – the supremacist political-military-legal code of places like Saudi Arabia and Iran that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf says he wants to bring to America, even more worrisome is something else he at least implied: He was prepared as “Commander-in-Chief” to prevent the burning of Qurans by a pastor in Florida.Now, I am no fan of book-burning, of any kind. But, as I noted in this space recently, it is absolutely the “inalienable” right of any American citizen to do it – whether the book is the Bible (which we now know the U.S. military has burned in Afghanistan, lest it be used to proselytize there), the U.S. Constitution or, yes, the Quran.Still, as such brilliant commentators as Andy McCarthy, Diana West, and Debra Burlingame have observed, there is something peculiar about the remarkably contrasting concern being expressed by Barack Obama and his friends over Muslims’ rights and sensitivities on the one hand, and his seeming indifference to those of Americans who are not Muslims. The only common denominator between his attitude toward a megamosque that offends more than 70% of our countrymen and women and his attitude toward the prospect of an “insensitive” book-burning is that he wants to ensure nothing is done that would offend Muslims.This practice amounts to enforcing shariah’s strict laws prohibiting “blasphemy” and “slander.” In Saudi Arabia and the other states governed by this repressive code, the penalty for such a crime can be death.Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • OIC: ‘It’s Slander When We Say it’s Slander’ (Part 1).Since 2005, every Muslim country, to include all of our Coalition partners, signed off on a 10 Year Program to make slander, as defined in Islamic law, a serious punishable crime in every jurisdiction in the world, including the United States. I already sent the 29 September 2009 UN Resolution, submitted by the United States, which would subordinate US free speech rights to UN oversight standards that themselves reflect OIC’s (Organization of the Islamic Conference) 10 Year Plan objectives.All narratives that support the 10 Year Program necessarily seek the subversion of, among other things, U.S. First Amendment rights. Through “hate speech” legislation, Islamic slander has already taken hold in Europe. When denying Geert Wilders his expert witnesses, the court stipulated to the truth-of-all-the-facts-of-the-matter when the Court stated, in language that aligns with Islamic notions of slander, that: “It is irrelevant whether Wilder’s witnesses might prove Wilder’s observations to be correct, what’s relevant is that his observations are illegal.” The prosecution followed up by stating that for Wilders, “expressing his opinion in the media or through other channels is not part of a Member of Parliament’s duties.” The imposition of Islamic notions of slander in the Western world – through hate speech legislation no less – is very real and dangerous precisely because it is at best only vaguely understood.Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • Michelle Malkin: Muslim outrage is easily provoked.No really i thought "Islam is a religion of tolerance?"The "Muslim world" will "explode" if it does not get its way, warns sharia-peddling imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. Pardon my national security-threatening impudence, but when is the "Muslim world" not ready to "explode"?At the risk of provoking the ever-volatile Religion of Perpetual Outrage, let us count the little-noticed and forgotten ways.When everything from sneakers to stuffed animals to comics to frescos to beauty queens to fast-food packaging to undies serves as dry tinder for Allah's avengers, it's a grand farce to feign concern about the recruitment effect of a few burnt Korans in the hands of a two-bit attention-seeker in Florida. The eternal flame of Muslim outrage was lit a long, long time ago.Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • HT:CreepingSharia.Six Flags Muslim Family Day & Terror (video).A somber weekend for those remembering the attacks by Muslim terrorists on September 11. But not for the Ummah who threatened Americans all week, celebrated the victory mosque in NYC on Friday, celebrated the end of the month of jihad on Saturday, and the ceremonial conquests continue at Six Flags on Sunday, September 12.As noted in previous posts, below, this event originally barred non-Muslims from attending. Now, it dictates how non-Muslim employees can dress – all not to offend Muslims (ala sharia law).Does Six Flags have any idea who ICNA is or what ICNA represents? Here is just a little background on ICNA.Read the full scandal story here.Click here for comments

  • No Sweetness from Obama on Rosh Hashanah.To busy defending Islam?Not a single word of praise for Judaism or American Jews. Not one. For that matter, after the first sentence, the word Jew does not appear, and Judaism is not mentioned by name at all. Obama doesn’t seem to like speaking about Jews or Judaism. (In his Ramadan message which is one hundred words shorter, the words Muslim and Islam are used seven times.)Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • Secular Parties Vs. Political Islam Vie In Turkish Vote.The referendum on 26 amendments to a constitution that was crafted after a 1980 military coup has become a battleground between the Islamic-oriented government and traditional power elites that believe Turkey's secular principles are under threat. The outcome will set the stage for elections next year in a strategically-located NATO ally whose regional clout has surged in recent years.Street clashes marred voting at several polling stations in provinces with large Kurdish populations. A Kurdish party has urged supporters to boycott the ballot, arguing that the proposed changes would not advance the rights of the ethnic minority.Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • HT:Islam in Europe.Germany: New anti-Islam 'Freedom' party.René Stadtkewitz, a Berlin parliament member, founded a new party, Die Freiheit (Freedom). The party is anti-Islam and calls for more freedom and democracy.The name of his new party is reminiscent of Geert Wilders' party (Party of Freedom), but Stadtkewitz says there is no collaboration between the two.Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • Time for This Big Dog to Bite Back.NO, he can’t. President Obama can’t reverse the unemployment numbers by Election Day. He can’t get even a modest new stimulus bill past the Party of No, and even if he could, there would be few jobs to show for it until (maybe) 2011. Nor can he rewrite the history of his administration.And so the odds that Obama’s party will survive the midterms seem less than Indiana Jones’s in the Temple of Doom — as we are reminded hourly by the Beltway herd flogging the latest polls. The Democrats are facing a “historic” rout, an earthquake, a tidal wave — well, you know the drill. End of story.Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • Gingrich: Obama’s ‘Kenyan, anti-colonial’ worldview.Citing a recent Forbes article by Dinesh D’Souza, former House speaker Newt Gingrich tells National Review Online that President Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.“I think Obama gets up every morning with a worldview that is fundamentally wrong about reality,” Gingrich says. “If you look at the continuous denial of reality, there has got to be a point where someone stands up and says that this is just factually insane.”Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • Video:Hamas PLC Speaker Ahmad Bahr: 2.5 Million Virgins Await the Prophets, the Righteous, and the Martyrs in a Single Palace in the Garden of Eden.This got to be a caterers nightmare?Read and see the full story here.Click here for comments.

  • Oh Really, Mr. President? Our President, Commander in Chief and Supreme Exalted Master of the Obvious had his first press conference since May today.Ever-reliable Obama apologist Reuters headlines its puff piece on the presser thus: "Obama Says Koran Burning Can Badly Damage U.S. Abroad." 'Puter, amidst his back pain and surgical consultations had the following thought: "No sh!t, Mr. President." So 'Puter started thinking (drinking is for after work, for which purpose 'Puter laid off the Soma and Vicodin today) and came up with the following list.Other Things That Can Badly Damage U.S. Abroad.Read the full story here for comments.

  • Figures… Former Commie-TRUTHER Green Czar Van Jones Was Behind the “Turn 9-11 into Community Service Day” Movement.On Aug. 4, 2009, the White House offered a glimpse into its plans to desecrate 9/11 for political advantage. Commie-TRUTHER Van Jones appeared in a 33-minute video posted on the official blog of the White House and spoke about the left’s plans to remake the tragedy into a day of community service.Read the full story here.Click here for comments.

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