Tuesday, July 6, 2010
MFS - The Other News
Ht weasel Zippers.Video:Reporter Asks Obama if “Distancing From Israel Was a Mistake”… Highly Nuanced Goodness Ensues…This guy is incredible,who the hell was shoved out past the dustbins ????
Most of ‘Marmara’ wounded had Islamic ties – report.Vast majority of passengers wounded aboard flotilla were Turkish nationals affiliated with Islamic groups.No ....Really who would have tought this?
BP wasted no time preparing for oil spill lawsuits.No .....really?.
HT:The jidf. TSA to Block "Controversial Opinion" on the Web.So what's "Controversial"any website who doesn't scream "Heil Obama"?
No 4 on Nazi most wanted list dies before trial.A 90-year-old former SS sergeant who was No 4 on the most wanted list of Nazi war criminals has died in Germany before his case came to trial.
Former NASA Director Says Muslim Outreach Push 'Deeply Flawed'.NASA ... represents the best of America. Its purpose is not to inspire Muslims or any other cultural entity,".Yeah whatever!
Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds.That's an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed” household in America -- according to a study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform.Not including suing Arizona state?
Muslim organisation Secret Garden, a foundation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rents historic tower in Amsterdam.The 16th-century canal-side tower, built in 1516 as part of the ancient defense wall of Amsterdam, has stood empty even since it was fully restored in 2007.
Obama, Netanyahu Agree to Focus on Peace Talks.
Ht :Weasel Zippers.California Park Closed After Plague-Infected Squirrel Found.The Los Alamos Campground in the Angeles National Forest will be closed for the next eight days as officials investigate a case of a squirrel testing positive for the plague.
No full-body X-ray scan at Dubai airport.The use of these scanners hampers the movement of passengers and invades their privacy, Brigadier Ahmed bin Thani, Director of the Airport Security Department of the Dubai Police.Well usually an exploding bomb invades a bit more then your privacy!
When a “clean-up” isn’t. So it’s raining oil in New Orleans. How is this possible? Simple. You see, British Petroleum isn’t “cleaning up” their disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Instead, they’re making things worse. I’ll explain.First and foremost, do you remember the water cycle, people?
BP, government differ on PR strategy.When it comes to giving the public the latest news about the disaster, however, the oil giant and the government are not on the same page.
American widow lived with corpse of husband for 10 years.Jean Stevens, 91, also shared her home with the corpse of her twin sister, who died last year.Sounds like a happy family ,no arguments there?
Turkish PM declared 'Man of the Year'.Board of Governors Chairman Doctor Hussain Sheyukhi said that Erogan is a very courageous leader and he rightfully deserves an award with his services for the cause of the Palestinian people.With some luck he might get an honorary membership from Hezbollah?
Ahmadinejad, Gul to meet in Nigeria.Turkish President Abdullah Gul will also attend the Developing Eight, or D8, summit in Abuja, raising the possibility that damaged relations between Turkey and Israel following a deadly raid on Gaza-bound aid ships will be examined.And the hate against Israel reunites them!
'Israel-Turkey crisis could affect stability in the Middle East'."If the relationship between Turkey and Israel is not renewed, it will be very difficult for Turkey to play a role in negotiations" to revive the Middle East peace process, al-Assad said.Not to mention their love for Iran?
Joe Biden: No 'debacle' for Democrats in November.Why you're going to manipulate the voting results?
HT : Gatewaypundit. American Singer Receives Death Threats After Recording Anti-Obama Song.American beauty Ash Soular recorded “Obamanation” in 2008 as a protest song. She warned Americans about slick media sensation Barack Obama.
HT : Gatewaypundit.Obama Pressures Israel to Apologize to Turkey For Defending Itself From Terrorist Flotilla.Does this surprise anyone?
Barack Obama is pressuring Israel to apologize to Turkey for defending itself from a flotilla of Islamic terrorists who attacked Israeli soldiers in May.
Benjamin Netanyahu comes back.If, by the end of this summer, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cannot be convinced to sit down and negotiate seriously with the Palestinians, the two-state solution may well be doomed, and eventually — one can perhaps argue — so may the state of Israel.
Obama and Supreme Court may be on collision course.The president's agenda on health care and financial regulations sets the stage for a clash with the Supreme Court's conservative majority.
Bad news for Obama: Conservative Justice Kennedy tells pals he's in no rush to leave Supreme Court.
Justice Kennedy, who turns 74 this month, has told relatives and friends he plans to stay on the high court for at least three more years - through the end of Obama's first term, sources said.
'Somalia is in the hands of al-Qaeda'."My message to the people of Uganda and Burundi is that you will be the targets of retaliation for the massacre of women, children and elderly Somalis in Mogadishu by your forces," said the leader of the al-Qaeda-linked militia.Islam a religion of peace?
Hitting a Tiny Bull’s-Eye Miles Under the Gulf.The challenge is not to get it to bend,” said Aravindh Kaniappan, a product manager for Baker Hughes, a drilling equipment and services company. “It’s to get it to not bend."
Obama's worst foreign-policy mistake.Given President Obama's glaring domestic policy missteps, it is understandable that the public has largely been blinded to his foreign policy failings. In fact, these may have been even more damaging to America's future.That's putting it mildly?
Iran Air passenger jets banned from Europe's Airports over safety fears.Iran Air's jets have been banned from flying to Europe because of safety concerns, it was revealed today.
Ht : Amnon &Jonathan. 7 European ships to join the “Fleet of Freedom 2”.ECESG: Number of joining-applications exceeded 9 thousand participants.
Retailers Devise Novel Stimulus Plans to Revive Sales.Tired of waiting for spending to rebound on its own, retailers are taking matters into their own hands. Stores like Sam’s Club, Target, Toys “R” Us, Staples and Office Depot are offering unconventional promotions meant not only to attract visitors to stores, but also to get them feeling profligate.
Our World: Standing down the hate-filled jury.As we see today in the wholesale perversion of law in the service of Israel’s destruction in Western countries, law is but a tool. And it can be a force for injustice.Today hating Israel has become a valid defence?
Marseille's Muslims eye long-awaited mosque.There will be no muezzin, live or recorded, that will disturb the neighbourhood with the call to prayer. Marseille's mosques are currently tucked away in its side streets Instead, they will flash a beam of light from the dome of the mosque every couple of minutes, five times a day. Ordinarily the light would be green the colour of Islam. But this is a port, and green might have confused the ships out at sea. Red might have clashed with the emergency services. So instead, the Marseille Mosque Association has agreed to a purple light.
Primary school forced to buy computer translator because half of its pupils don't speak English.They comes with on-screen avatars based on the ethnic background of the pupils. The avatars includes an Asian man, a white Eastern European and a black African man.Plans are also in the pipeline to include a Chinese woman avatar and there are even proposals to develop a Burka-wearing Muslim.I tought Islam doesn't force women to wear the burka?
Had Enough "Hope and Change"?The billboard depicted a pair of hands feeding the Constitution into a shredder.
Spill continues to pump oil into Gulf, but White House successfully plugs leaks -- of information on websites, from journalists, and local officials.
Larwyn's Linx: Obama’s New America -- Running on Silly Fantasies.
Health Care Law.60% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law, Just 41% See Repeal as Likely.Sixty percent (60%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the recently passed health care law, including 49% who Strongly Favor repeal.
'Obama has created a wasteland of economic ruin and depression that looks much like... Mad Max'.You won't find proof of the damage Obama is doing on Wall Street, but rather on Main Street. My friends are all part of the economic engine of America: Small business. Small business creates 75 percent of new jobs (and a majority of all jobs). I called one friend who was a wealthy restaurant owner. He says business is off by 60 percent. He's drowning in debt. He won't last much longer. His wealth is gone.
Democratic campaign committees losing big Wall Street donors.Great now this i call good news!
Arizona Dems contest Obama's assertions on border security.Anticipating a furor of voter criticism over the July Fourth recess, Democratic lawmakers from the border region shot back at the White House last week, challenging the president’s speech on immigration in which he said that the southern border is secure.
My Private Obama.So we voted our hopes that events could compel Obama to govern as a progressive.
We are still waiting, and we are a cheap date. Throw us a few bones and we brim over with gratitude.
Taliban beheads headmaster in Afghanistan.Because learning is unislamic?
Lawsuit Heats Up Against US Government Promotion, Advancement of Sharia."When the US government took more than $150 billion of tax payer money to bail out and take ownership and control of AIG, it had a duty to its citizens and to common sense to remove any vestige of Shariah as the enemy’s doctrine of war.
Instead, the US government embraced Shariah and provided AIG with over $1 billion to further its Shariah promotion. US taxpayer dollars used to promote the very Islamic legal doctrine that calls for our destruction as a Western constitutional republic free from tyranny and unwanted religious dogma."
Islamists, their victims, and hypocrisy.Should Britain be giving refuge to Islamic fundamentalists, while sending the men and women who have been brave enough to challenge Islamism back to their deaths?
The Pope, the Prophet, and the religious support for evil.What can make tens of millions of people – who are in their daily lives peaceful and compassionate and caring – suddenly want to physically dismember a man for drawing a cartoon, or make excuses for an international criminal conspiracy to protect child-rapists?
Welcome to Indonesia, land of tolerance and one-time home to Barack Obama, where Muslims relentlessly attack Christians.Perhaps if the Christians would only stop their illegal occupation of uhm, Palestine... or something...
Judges rule Obama can't close Yucca Mountain nuclear dump.The panel found that President Barack Obama and Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a nuclear physicist, lacked the power to close the Yucca repository unilaterally; doing so, it ruled, would require another act of Congress.
Video: Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West Speaking Before The Tea Party Fort Lauderdale July 3rd Rally.
At Bank of America, a new way to pay for health insurance.Salaries will determine bank workers' contribution to medical insurance costs. Some could pay less in 2011.
"From a morale standpoint, it sends a really good message to employees that the more you make the more you pay,"
Turning East, Turkey Asserts New Economic Power.Turkey has exported $1.6 billion worth of goods to Iran and Syria this year, $200 million more than to the United States.“It takes centuries to make relations and minutes to destroy them.”
Controversial question paper: Professor's hand cut off.Islam a religion of tolerance?
Muslims asked to vacation in Turkey after Israeli boycott.Muslims are being encouraged to vacation in Turkey this summer to offset the estimated $ 4 0 0 million l o s s caused by Israelis boycotting the country as relations between the countries deteriorate.Maybe Erdogan will compensate ,since it's his doing?
Obama mum on Bush's borders for Israel.I wouldn't trust him if he said the sun will rise in the morning.
FDIC Loss-Share Guarantees Balloon To $177 Billion Putting Taxpayers At Risk.
BP stops refueling Iranian airliners.Financial Times says one of world's largest suppliers of jet fuel stopped working with Iranian airliners 'in compliance with international sanctions.'
Revealed: What Apple really thinks about its customers."We ARE NOT appeasing customers with free bumpers – DON'T promise a free bumper to customers."
Johann Hari: How Goldman gambled on starvation.Speculators set up a casino where the chips were the stomachs of millions. What does it say about our system that we can so casually inflict so much pain?
Mother of eight takes refuge on hill to escape domestic violence.She was escaping from her own brother who threatened to kill her and her children.Islam a religion of peace?
The ancient art of hidden writing.The Catholic Church considered the three volumes of Steganographia to be so dangerous that it put them on its list of prohibited works. They stayed banned for almost 300 years.
The Willpower Paradox.Setting your mind on a goal may be counterproductive. Instead think of the future as an open question.
Splash out a cool £530,000 and this crystal bathtub can be yours.This crystal bathtub is carved from a single block of the purest white rock crystal, quarried in the Amazon region of Brazil.It is 7ft long and 2ft deep.
Giant otters are people too.Newest creature to demonstrate the caring behaviors we once thought were human alone: Peruvian giant otters.
Dinosaurs Nestled Up to Geysers, Hot Springs to Incubate Eggs.Hot water -eggs ...neh ?
Secrets of Mummies unraveled in California.
Video: Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt.
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