Friday, July 9, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                Morning Posting.

U.S. Plans Cyber Shield for Utilities, Companies.The federal government is launching an expansive program dubbed "Perfect Citizen" to detect cyber assaults on private companies and government agencies running such critical infrastructure as the electricity grid and nuclear-power plants, according to people familiar with the program."Perfect Citizen"can't say the name inspires me confidence sounds more like "Spy On Citizen" to me?

President Obama's new slogan: 'Yes we did!'.Brought the country at the brink of a giant Depression?And the World closer to WWIII?

Why Obama Is in a Hurry to Make History.Hardball host Chris Matthews has a theory about Barack Obama: he is running his presidency as though there is no tomorrow—that is, no second term.He might go down in history as the President who ruined America!

Viva Espana, says Paul the 'psychic' octopus.But Mani, a parakeet in Singapore, is siding with the Netherlands in the final.YES!YES!YES!

Libyan ship to sail for Gaza.The ship, which will carry large amounts of food and medicine, is being funded by an organization headed by the son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.According to the Istanbul Declaration, there is an obligation for "the Islamic Nation to regard sending foreign warships into Muslim waters, claiming to control the borders and preventing the smuggling of arms to Gaza as a declaration of war, a new occupation, sinful aggression and a clear violation of the sovereignty of the Nation." It continues, "This must be rejected and fought by all means and ways."

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Created Recession As 'Payback' For Racism.He believes Obama tanked the economy on purpose, both as "payback" for 230 years of racial oppression and because Obama simply doesn't like America.I'm inclined to go along with this taught.

Transferring oil from broken well an option for BP.The first of two relief wells being drilled to stop the Gulf oil gusher could be done by the end of the month, BP officials say, but if that doesn't succeed, one backup being considered is transferring the crude to non-producing underwater wells that are miles away.Are these guys for real?

UAE Students to Train at NASA.Taking seriously President Barack Obama’s advice to reach out to the Muslim world, NASA has announced that Arab students from the United Arab Emirates would be joining its internship program.We're only interested in flying it ...landing doesn't matter?

US man 'attempts suicide' in North Korean jail."Driven by his strong guilty conscience, disappointment and despair at the US government that has not taken any measure for his freedom, he attempted to commit suicide," the North's KCNA news agency said.

The white voters of Obama Are Collapsing.In June 2008, a survey NBC / WSJ 37% of whites approved of Bush's performance. In June 2010, exactly the same percentage that approves the action of Obama. 9 points separate Republican and Democratic women. In favor of Obama!

Obama's anti-youth agenda.The picture is bleakest for African-American teens, for whom June unemployment stood at 46 percent."Yes we did"? Did what?????

Obama defends his economic plan.He stressed that at the start of his administration he cut taxes — “That’s right,” he said. “You wouldn’t know it from listening to folks, but we cut taxes for working families and small business owners.”And replaced them by new taxes?

Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists."These are true police state tactics, and it's now clear that it is part of a pattern. It's been documented for months now that BP and government officials have been acting in unison to block media coverage of the area."B.P. = Beyond Prosecution.

Russian sub 'could stop oil leak'.Russian-built submersibles would be able to cap the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the captain of one of the vessels has said.

W.H. wants answers from BP.The White House is giving BP 24 hours to explain how it will replace the cap on the well gushing into the Gulf of Mexico without causing more problems than it will solve.Good luck that's like asking to see Obama's birth certificate.

Pope Pius XII Saved Thousands of Jews.Now, new research claims that the once labeled “Hitler’s Pope” may have aided in the exodus of about 200,000 Jews from Germany three weeks before Kristallnacht.While they are busy why not open the documents of the nazis who escaped after the war with help from the church?

V-22: The future is here.Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, it's the V-22: American pilots in Iraq and Afghanistan have encountered Boeing's V-22 plane-helicopter on several occasions, yet they too keep raving about what is considered the world's most advance military aircraft.

Attack on Iran's Baha'i is a human rights outrage.The destruction of 50 Baha'i homes demonstrates the Iranian government's disregard for its international obligations.Islam a religion of peace?

Who is the 'Barefoot Bandit'?American teenager Colton Harris-Moore is being hunted by police in the Bahamas after allegedly stealing a plane and flying it from Indiana, the latest in a string of suspected thefts of aircraft, boats and cars. But why has this supposed serial thief and burglar become an internet celebrity?

Is Lukashenka In The Kremlin's Crosshairs?On July 4, the Gazprom-owned television station NTV broadcast an unflattering documentary about the authoritarian Belarusian leader and erstwhile Moscow ally.Lukashenka the last Eastern European dictator.

Counter-Terrorism Bureau: Israelis face global threat.Anti-Terror Bureau tells Israelis abroad to reject unexpected offers, suspicious hotel visitors.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: the fatwa victim who refuses to keep quiet.With a new book out, Ayaan Hirsi Ali shows no sign of softening in her criticism of Islam.These brave women who speak up should all be knighted for their valor.

Stoning in Iran: Brutality pure and simple.Unlike other facets of Iranian life, the Islamic Republic is embarrassed by the international attention stonings attract.

Netanyahu hints at flexibility on Jerusalem.But then, in an off-the-cuff remark to a question on Jerusalem from the audience, Benjamin Netanyahu dropped a hint that his government’s insistence on Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem might not be ironclad.

'Tan tax' discussions include allegations of reverse racism.Since then, it's been repeated by conservative commentators such as Rush Limbaugh and Doc Thompson, a fill-in host for Glenn Beck who intoned in March, "I now know the pain of racism."

BP push for Mideast investors may pose problems in U.S.The company is trying to shore up its balance sheet, but increased investment from the region could trigger reviews in Washington, given the oil company's U.S. subsidiary.

Wall Street Buys Itself a Primary Challenger: Reshma Saujani.My honest opinion don't vote for her.

Video:US Floods 150,000 Inland Acres In Bid To Save 50 Million Birds Due To Migrate Over Gulf Disaster.

An American DisHonor Killing.In a quiet suburban parking lot outside of Phoenix, a father floors the gas on his Jeep Grand Cherokee and heads straight for his 20-year-old daughter. His goal: to protect his family’s "honor." Yes, honor crimes have washed up on our shores.

'Doomsday Ark' to be Housed on the Moon -A Remote Access Toolkit to Rebuild the Human Race.The information would be held in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish and would be linked by transmitter to 4,000 “Earth repositories” that would provide shelter, food, a water supply for survivors.Ok we had already a doomsday vault someone hiding something from us?

King Tut’s DNA is Western European.Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.Poor Zahi Hawass he will have to find someone to blame?

You Say God Is Dead? There’s an App for That.Publishers of Christian material have begun producing iPhone applications that can cough up quick comebacks and rhetorical strategies for believers who want to fight back against what they view as a new strain of strident atheism. And a competing crop of apps is arming nonbelievers for battle.

World's first illustrated Christian bible discovered at Ethiopian monastery.The incredible Garima Gospels are named after a monk who arrived in the African country in the fifth century and is said to have copied them out in just one day.Beautifully illustrated, the colours are still vivid and thanks to the Ethiopian Heritage Fund have been conserved.

An 80-year-old Arizona woman has been found living with 104 mostly dead or dying cats.Maricopa County sheriff's officials say the bodies of 10 cats were found in the freezer and other cats were found diseased or dying inside Lucienne Touboul's home in Wittman, about 30 miles (48 kilometres) northwest of Phoenix.

Who Is the Haircut Killer?The body of a long-missing girl is found holding a fistful of someone else’s hair—just like another corpse a thousand miles away.

1 comment:

  1. Hi.
    A very interesting topic you got there,the role of the Church in that periode of history will probably never be completely clear and certainly not the way the church covers up everything.On the other hand there were also the forced conversions of Jewish children to the Catholic faith by the Catholics ,something the Church also tries to cover up.


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