Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                 Afternoon Posting.

Even the Aspen Ideas Festival, an annual gathering of the country's brightest lights, isn't Obama country anymore. Lloyd Grove on the president's waning support among the intelligentsia.Some of the worst economic policies in place today that, in my judgment, go directly against the long-term interests of this country.”

Obama ‘ready’ to come to Israel.Good luck i don't think Israel is ready to greet you?Or did he ment "invade"Israel?

Jindal signs guns in church law.The bill, signed Tuesday night, allows permit holders who take an additional eight hours of tactical training each year to bring a gun into “any church, synagogue, mosque or other similar place of worship.”Sigh great a mosque full of guns just what America needed?

Maha Rushie Issues Steele Fatwa.If Obama weren't black he'd be a tour guide in Honolulu or he'd be teaching Saul Alinsky constitutional law or lecturing on it in Chicago, and if somebody's "entitled to a couple of gaffes," why do we still have Senator Bite Me running around as Vice President Bite Me, who is a walking gaffe every time he opens his mouth and he's not even black!

Republicans And Democrats Lining Up Behind Major Changes To Social Security. "I think raising the retirement age going out 20 years so you're not affecting anyone close to retirement, and eventually getting the retirement age to 70 is a step that needs to be taken." Lately when i hear the word "Change" my blood pressure rises.

Democrat Baucus joins GOP in blasting Obama recess appointment.Berwick, a Harvard pediatrician and founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, is a revered figure.But why again Harvard?What's this obsession of Obama to surround himself with Harvard figures?Is there a conspiracy to take over power in America by a Harvard group?

Obama vs. Big Business: The battle everyone can lose.Today, many of those overpaid and coddled chief executives have convinced themselves that they're not the ones to be blamed for the lack of private-sector job growth, but rather the anti-business clowns at the White House and in Congress.

HT : Debbie Schlussel. Long Overdue: CNN Fires Anti-Semitic Hezbollah Chick Octavia Nasr (Used Slur Against Me).

Obama Is 'Still Evil,' Say Israeli Lawmakers."He doesn’t sound evil now because he needs Jewish votes and money," Obama's Democratic Party is in danger of losing control of the two houses of Congress in mid-term elections this fall, and Israelis believe he is playing nice with Israel until then in order to influence the votes of American Jews and Christians who support the Jewish state.

Russia's Muslim south triples sharia bride price.The price tag on a bride in Russia's Ingushetia province has been tripled by the regional government, in a sign the Muslim North Caucasus region is slipping out of Kremlin control as sharia law eclipses Russian.And comes closer to Iran?

Turkish key constitutional reforms annulled by court.The court annulled changes which would curb the power of the judiciary and the army, AFP news agency said.

Sen. McCain: I will not support Kagan.In 1987, I had my first opportunity to provide "advice and consent" on a Supreme Court nominee. At that time, I stated that the qualifications essential for evaluating a nominee for the bench included "integrity, character, legal competence and ability, experience, and philosophy and judicial temperament." On that test, Elena Kagan fails.

IDF reveals Hezbollah's deployment.Information obtained by IDF exposes Hezbollah's immense scope of activity in south Lebanon, in preparation for next clash with Israel.

Flotilla ships to be held by Israel.Ships to be held at least until investigation complete.

Iran to open nuke plant in Sept.Salehi: "We've reached the point of no return." "Obama be praised?"

Immigration emerging as 2010 issue?While President Obama has made something of a rhetorical push of late on immigration, party strategists believe the issue is too politically hot -- and with too little clarity on what the American people want -- for it to be taken up in an election year.

BP boss in Mideast talks as relief well advances.The relief well being drilled to halt BP's spill is a week ahead of schedule, the U.S. official overseeing the response to the disaster said on Tuesday.

AP IMPACT: Gulf awash in 27,000 abandoned wells.The oldest of these wells were abandoned in the late 1940s, raising the prospect that many deteriorating sealing jobs are already failing.

Gulf Oil Spill: Scientists Beg For A Chance To Take Basic Measurements.Federal estimates of the flow have over time gone from laughably low to laughably imprecise to just plain unpersuasive.Transparancy and Obama?Hahahaha!

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing'."The decision is not whether or not we will ration care -- the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open. And right now, we are doing it blindly."

Excuses, Excuses.The party of the newly elected president always loses Congressional seats. Not always: viz. Roosevelt, 1934, or Bush II, 2002. The two men shared nothing, except resolve in a crisis. That should tell you something. Where's Obama's resolve?

Wounded Warriors Face New Tax This Independence Day.Senate Democrats Tax Prosthetic Limbs and Other Vital Medical Devices, Refuse to Exempt Veterans.The Democrats thanking their valiant soldiers?

Maybe THIS is how you produce a winning team, Fabio! Dutch WAGs send their heroes off with a kiss to play in the World Cup final.Or you could say "Oranje Boven!"

Belarusian Officials, Activists Protest Russian TV Report On Lukashenka.NTV's broadcast on July 4 of the Lukashenka documentary, titled "The Godfather," described the suspicious 1999 death of opposition leader Henadz Karpenka and the disappearances of former Interior Minister Yury Zakharanka, opposition leader Viktar Hanchar, businessman Anatol Krasouski, and journalist Dzmitry Zavadski, who are alleged in the documentary to have been kidnapped and murdered by a government-run death squad more than a decade ago.

Wilders 'Nijmegen sharia socialist stronghold'.How can it be that an Islamic foundation that would prohibit St Nicholas (Santa Claus) would recieve annual grants given by the Nijmegen municipality?Their website clearly supports hate preacher Zakir Abdul Karim Naik and is clearly anti Jewish.

Study says smells sickening people come from oilpatch, but no source.Richard Langer was working on his farm just outside Peace River, Alta., one morning last spring when he saw the gas cloud drift through.
"It was sort of a blue-green cloud," he recalls.The smell — a gassy, tarry reek like a hundred roofing crews working at once — was bad enough

Chinese woman has corrective surgery 15 years after horrific car accident twisted her legs the wrong way round.A Chinese woman who had her legs twisted the wrong way round in a car accident has been told she should be able to walk and stand normally after undergoing corrective surgery.In this day and age it's a scandal it took 15 years to help her!

Lingerie model agrees to run naked through Asuncion as a 'present' to Paraguay football team.After watching Paraguay beat Japan on penalties on Tuesday last week, she was asked if she was prepared to match his promise.She said: 'Of course I will... but with my body painted in the colours of Paraguay.'

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