Wednesday, August 11, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • Let Them Pinch Pennies!Michelle Obama has been acting more like a frivoulous queen than a concerned first lady while her country is suffering an economic downturn. The jet-setting high-life the Obama’s live (and flaunt for the cameras) has many Americans saying the First Lady is living it up like Marie Antoinette despite her demands that fellow countrymen need to start pinching pennies like peasants.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.American Center for Law and Justice Calls on State Department to Cancel Taxpayer-Funded Middle East Trip by Imam of Ground Zero Mosque.The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) on Tuesday called on the U.S. State Department to remove Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf from a taxpayer-funded trip to Muslim countries, citing his controversial views about the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

  • 'Barak wanted to avenge border incident, attack Lebanon'.Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper reports Sarkozy, Clinton pressured Israel to withdraw its plan to launch large-scale military operation in response to death of Ltc. Dov Harari killed in border skirmish.

  • Michelle Obama: Spoiled Brat Extraordinaire.Now, let’s all jog our memories back to the Democratic primary. Does anyone remember when Michelle Obama said that, “For the first time in my adult life, I’m really proud of my country?”I’m sorry, but how bratty and ungrateful can one woman be?!Oh, and who could forget during the Democratic primary when she stated that she “would have to think about that” with regard to supporting Hillary Clinton if she became the nominee instead of her husband.

  • HT:IsraelMatzav.Trust the imams, not the rabbis.The imam of the Ground Zero mosque has been characterized as a 'moderate.' The Anti-Defamation League's Abraham Foxman came out against the mosque and has been branded as a 'bigot.' In light of the organized Jewish community's leadership's failure to back Foxman, the Jewish Week's Jonathan Mark explains why you can trust what you hear from the imams, but you cannot trust what you hear from many American rabbis.

  • HT:IsraelMatzav.Pro-Hamas truther Imam to represent US in Muslim countries.The imam who is behind the mosque, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, is being sent by the Obama administration to represent the United States on a trip to Muslim countries around the Middle East. And in the video I'm about to show you, we learn a couple of other things about the imam. We learn that he doesn't consider Hamas - which has turned suicide bombing into a political tactic - a terror organization. And we learn that he believes that the US was behind the 9/11 attacks."They don't trust me cause my middle name is Hussein"Yeah whatevah!

  • Obama Administration Seeks to Overturn US Lebanon Aid Suspension.The Obama administration said Tuesday that it is trying to persuade key Democratic legislators to end a hold on U.S. military aid to Lebanon. Two House of Representatives committee heads are blocking delivery of $100 million in assistance, out of concern about possible Hezbollah influence in Lebanon's armed forces.On whose side is Obama really?

  • Ground Zero mosque spokesman to Gutfeld: Your gay bar won’t build dialogue because it doesn’t consider our sensibilities.He’s got a point.Construction projects that fail to consider local cultural sensitivities aren’t very conducive to dialogue, are they?I think it's high time someone cleans the Augean stables that the Obama administration has become!

  • Will we soon set watches to Mecca Mean Time? Giant £500million clock being built in Islamic holy city.For over a century, an observatory in a south-east London park has been used as the reference point to set every watch on the globe.But Greenwich Mean Time is facing a challenge to its claims as the starting point for each new day.A giant new clock being built in the Islamic holy city of Mecca hopes to usurp the role of Greenwich Observatory, and aims to have the world's 1.5 billion Muslims setting their watches by its time.Does Big Ben make a religious statement?Time is universal not religious!The clock will be set to 1400 years behind the rest of the world – very accurate.
  • Video:Gutfeld Tells Beck About Idea For Gay Bar Next to Ground Zero Mosque.The bar will feature 72 virgin drinks since Muslims don't drink alcohol. Working name for the bar is "Suspicious Packages". Greatest idea ever.It seems there is already a bar there "The Dakota Roadhouse".

  • Now that's what you call driftwood! 200ft-long cedar among dozens of tree trunks scattered across beach after storm.More than 200ft long and 13ft around the trunk, this is one piece of wood that nobody will be throwing along the beach for the dog to fetch.The giant western red cedar was one of dozens of trees washed up at La Push, a small community in Washington State on the U.S. west coast.

  • 9/11 museum going up in NYC offers raw experience.The Sept. 11 museum is taking shape 70 feet below ground, a cavernous space that provides an emotionally raw journey and ends at bedrock where huge surviving remnants and spacial voids reveal the scale of the devastation of what once was the World Trade Center.

  • The woman in the gauze mask.The facial burns Davinia Douglass suffered in the 7 July bombings healed fast. But her emotional scars ran deeper.The defining image of the 2005 rush-hour attacks is of a young woman in a burns mask, barefoot and bloodied.

  • Former Senator Ted Stevens killed in plane crash ex-NASA official survived .Former Senator, Ted Stevens, and former NASA administrator, Sean O’Keefe, and his son, Kevin, were enroute to a fishing lodge late on Monday evening, when the plane crashed, killing five people and leaving four people seriously injured.

  • Focus U.S.A. / Will Israel really attack Iran within a year?After interviewing dozens of Israeli, American and Arab officials, Atlantic Magazine correspondent concludes Israel may not even ask for American 'green light' to attack Iran nuclear sites.And while Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, reminded Goldberg that "the expression 'All options are on the table' means that all options are on the table," - the Israeli interviewees repeatedly questioned Obama's resolve to actually do it. Some even asked Goldberg if he thought the American president was actually an anti-Semite, forcing the reporter to explain that Obama is probably "the first Jewish President" – but not necessarily Likud's idea of a Jew.But the reply he got from one official was: "This is the problem. If Obama is a J Street Jew, we are in trouble."

  • HT:WeaselZippers.White House Declines to Defend Obama’s Call for Rangel to Resign.Did they just throw Dear Leader under the bus?Meanwhile, the White House backed away Tuesday from what seems to be Obama’s call for Rangel to resign from Congress.“If I can’t get my dignity back here, then fire your best shot in getting rid of me through expulsion,” said Rangel.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Another Carnival Game Owner Removes Its Odogma Figure; This Time In NJ.I don’t think it even looks like Obama. Now maybe if the game owner had the figure standing on the American flag, or pissing on the Constitution."You shall make no images of the anointed one?"

  • United Nations marks international day of the world’s indigenous peoples.On the occasion of International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the world to step up efforts to improve living conditions of the world’s indigenous communities and to protect them, saying they continued to suffer discrimination and poverty despite a United Nations declaration that aims to promote their rights.

  • Gibbs: People who are upset with Obama don't live in real America, didn't help get Obama elected.Really? That's the latest White House response to Obama voters who are sincerely concerned about the direction this White House is taking on so many issues. To smear everyone and suggest that they didn't lift a finger to get the President elected? Seriously?

  • HT:IsraelMatzav.Ehud Ahmed Barak bars IDF troops from eating, drinking or smoking at checkpoints during Ramadan.The security forces have been updated that ahead of the end of Ramadan, and as part of preparations for the Eid al-Fitr festivities, Palestinian children may be carrying weapon-shaped toys and firecrackers. Another one has "fallen" for Obama's Spell?Or is it a curse?For sure it must be something very contagious.And kids with "Toy guns"?Doesn't look like toy guns in their training videos in Summercamp?Just pure madness.

  • Greenland ice sheet faces 'tipping point in 10 years'Scientists warn that temperature rise of between 2C and 7C would cause ice to melt, resulting in 23ft rise in sea level.The entire ice mass of Greenland will disappear from the world map if temperatures rise by as little as 2C, with severe consequences for the rest of the world, a panel of scientists told Congress today.Greenland shed its largest chunk of ice in nearly half a century last week, and faces an even grimmer future.

  • Paterson Would Offer New Site for Mosque Away From Ground Zero.Gov. David A. Paterson said Tuesday that he would consider offering state-owned property to the developers of a $100 million Muslim center and mosque if they decided to build it farther from ground zero.

  • Feds funding Ground Zero imam's Mideast trip.Meanwhile, state regulators said the sale of an adjacent Con Ed building needed to complete the Ground Zero mosque -- as disclosed by The Post on Sunday -- might be subject to review after all, even as Mayor Bloomberg insisted the project has "nothing to do with Con Ed."Public Service Commission spokeswoman Anne Dalton said state law requires the agency to sign off on the "transfer or lease" of any property a utility owns within its franchise area.The question is whether Con Ed satisfied that requirement nearly four decades ago, when it granted a 99-year lease on the former substation site at 49-51 Park Place.

  • Mayor Bloomberg Channels French Traitor.If Mayor Michael Bloomberg is to New York – and by extension the United States – what French general Philippe Pétain was to his country in WWII, we have cause for great concern. France was in desperate need of a leader after the Nazi invasion and called its greatest WWI hero out of retirement to help in 1940.While Bloomberg was not the mayor of New York at the time, he did have a rather embarrassing encounter in late 2009 with a likely co-conspirator in that bombing, Siraj Wahhaj. Mayor Bloomberg met with Muslim leaders on November 11th at City Hall and attempted to deny that Wahhaj was among those in attendance until a reporter challenged him. Said Bloomberg when pressed, That one (Wahhaj). Yes. We have to talk to everybody. That’s what dialogue is all about. That’s how you prevent tragedies.

  • Obama vs. Obama - Afghanistan edition.In the following devastating video, Huffington Post Video Editor Ben Craw, combines clips of Senator Obama questioning Rice about Iraq in January 2007 with comments President Obama has made about his own Afghan exit strategy in a speech in March 2009, an interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" in March 2009, an address to the nation in December 2009, remarks to the troops in Afghanistan in March, an interview with ABC in April, and an appearance on ABC's "The View" in July:I can't decide which is more infuriating, that the biased media wing of the Democrat party gives Obama a pass on such outrageous inconsistency, or that Obama always tries to be on both sides of so many issues. Just how stupid does the JournolLst crowd think the American people are?

  • Islam, Islamists, and stopping the Mosque: Part 2.May they rest in peace?

  • Why the US keeps minting coins people hate and won't use.In hidden vaults across the country, the US government is building a stockpile of $1 coins. The hoard has topped $1.1bn - imagine a stack of coins reaching almost seven times higher than the International Space Station - and the piles have grown so large the US Federal Reserve is running out of storage space.Americans won't use the coins, preferring $1 notes. But the US keeps minting them anyway, and the Fed estimates it already has enough $1 coins to last the next 10 years.And at the current rate, the inventory will grow to $2bn (£1.3bn) by 2016, the Fed estimates.

  • Surely, Glenn Beck Likening Obama's Presidency To Evil Gorillas Enslaving Humanity Is Not About Race.When pudgy albino reminder of what happens when traumatic childhood meets troubled, emotionally unstable, born-again adulthood, Glenn Lee Beck, hits the airwaves, the result is usually an alternately comical and tragic mixture of hilarious nonsense tinged with saline tears, and culminating in the deranged rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic with a deep-seated hatred for black people. Errr, make that, the deranged rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic who will not just sit back and weep (faux tears) while America is overrun by a half-black president, who ironically enough, happens to have a deep-seated hatred for white people, particularly fat talking heads with limited education but unlimited sense of his own inflated ego and intellectual prowess.This time the rollicking good cheer and utter hilarity manifested itself in the form of a not-at-all racist rant from Fox News' favoritest on-air Aryan and resident White Power scholar Glenn Beck comparing America under the Obama administration to "the damn Planet of the Apes."

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Obama Regime: Taliban is Not a Terrorist Organization.What more do they need? The Taliban are Islamic supremacists, aided al-Qaeda during 9/11 plot, allowed Bin Laden to set-up shop and use Afghanistan as a base to wage global jihad, kills American troops on a near-daily basis, has foreign fighters in its ranks etc.“It is hard to imagine this agency can see fit to issue a report that doesn’t include the Taliban groups,” Fred Gedrich, a foreign policy analyst and former State Department employee, told The Daily Caller. “They have killed more Americans and conducted more terror attacks on innocent civilians during the past 12 months than any other terror group.“On who's side is Obama really?

  • Iran Accuses Exiled Lawyer In Stoning Case Of Financial Fraud.Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi has said that a human rights lawyer who fled Iran last month, charging that officials were harassing him for his vigorous defense of a woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, is accused of "financial fraud."This is one way to try to get him back in Iran?"

  • Iranian Band Abjeez Says Supreme Leader's Dismissal Of Music 'Ridiculous'.The screws continue to tighten on musicians and artists in Iran as the country's religious authorities increase restrictions on public expression and dissent as part of a wider crackdown on opposition activity. Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, announced this month that "promoting and teaching" music is "not compatible with the highest values of the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic."

  • In pictures: Luntik, the amazing 4-eared cat.The brief Seventies craze for quadraphonic sound might have lasted a little longer of there were more cats like Luntik around.The three-month old kitten who lives in a garage in Vladivostok, Russia, has a 'spare' pair of vestigial ears just in front of his real ones.
  • Cartoon in Montreal Paper Deemed Anti-Semitic.A Hasidic Jew cab driver stands outside his vehicle to call out passengers. His black cab, dubbed “Taxi de David,” also has a sign advertising a website called He says to bystanders, “Come in! May Yaveh be with you...”This was the cartoon that appeared in the July 2010 issue of the Montreal newspaper, La Metropole. The drawing’s headline states: “A taxi transformed into a ... synagogue?”

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