Wednesday, August 18, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Grow a Pair, Democrats!Think the GOP was shameless on the "Ground Zero" mosque? The Democrats, beginning with Obama, have been utter cowards.Who says we’re a nation divided, that we can’t find common ground? Almost a decade later, we’ve finally done it: The memory of September 11 has brought us together again.

  • Video:Bears defend and protect a marijuana grow-op from cops.Nearly a dozen bears guard roughly 1,000 pot plants deep in the British Columbia mountains.The "Bearnaked" truth.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Over 100,000 Ohioans Sign Up To Vote (Jan. – June) Through Welfare Programs; Obama DOJ Made Clear Voter Registration Must Be Provided To Those Signing Up To Receive Welfare.Economy suck? No job? Sign up for free money and don’t forget to vote D?It isn’t just happening in Ohio.

  • Chechnya: door-to-door sermons for restaurant owners who do not close for Ramadan.Muslim religious authorities set up a special commission to visit cafés and eateries to lecture on the importance of respecting Islamic principles, and close down during the day on Ramadan. Experts and observers discuss the initiative; some groups with special needs are not required to fast.According to the deputy chairman of Russia’s Mufti Council (Muftiyat), Imam Ildar Aljautdinov, what is happening in Chechnya cannot be applied to other Russian regions with a Muslim population.In his opinion, each region is unique, and local religious leaders must accordingly decide what is best in regards to their community. For example, in Tatarstan or in the northern Caucasus, it would be unfair to propose such an initiative since most people are not religiously observant, the imam said.“Even in countries like Saudi Arabia, some restaurants are open for non-Muslim,” Igor Bucharov, president of the Restaurant Owners Federation, told Echo of Moscow radio.“I think however every person should have the right to choose. Based on his actions, God will judge him. The authorities instead should not act as the defenders of religion,” he added.

  • Toxic levels of oil found in gulf area crucial to fish.Researchers describe 'a constellation' of oil droplets mixed with sediment. Phytoplankton, the base of the marine food web, is found to be in poor health nearby.Scientists have found evidence that oil has become toxic to marine organisms in a section of the Gulf of Mexico that supports the spawning grounds of commercially important fish species.

  • Karzai says Afghanistan needs Russia's support.Afghan President Hamid Karzai sought President Dmitry Medvedev's help for his nation on Wednesday, two decades after Moscow ended a disastrous conflict there that cost the lives of about 15,000 Soviet troops.Another great political succes from the "The Obamination in Chief"?

  • HT:TheBlogProf.Glenn Beck told there can be no prayer at his event at the Kennedy Center.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.- 1st amendment.These are the same people that at lightning speed approved the ground zero victory mosque.Ironically,Obama just had a Ramadan dinner at the White House all of 5 days ago. So Islam is OK in public buildings but Christianity is not?

  • Obama’s Witch Hunter!A self-styled redeemer, Perez aims to save the weak and the exploited from the ravages of America’s purportedly intractable bigotry. His passion for this mission recently prompted him to tell an American Constitution Society (ACS) gathering, to enthusiastic applause: “I love this job.” Elaborating on that theme, Perez cited the deep satisfaction he had derived from successfully prosecuting a pair of white racists who had attacked a black man in a South Carolina restaurant.From the moment he first joined the Obama team, Perez pledged to greatly expand the DOJ’s prosecution of alleged hate crimes.

  • HT:AceofSpades.Oh Dear: Nancy Pelosi Pulled FDA Strings To Get Democratic Super-Donor and John Edwards Hush-Money Sugar-Daddy Access To Prohibited Experimental Drug.

  • Video:Runaway Slave Movie Teaser.The Documentary, with Pastor C.L. Bryant. An honest discussion about black conservatives in America. RUN WITH US.

  • HT:IslamoNazism.What the media don't want you to know about the Indonesian Muslim security forces.lets see what the Indonesian Muslim security forces have been up to lately (WARNING: graphic images!).

  • Thomas Sowell: Obama has already brought 'change' to America.One of the few campaign promises that President Obama has kept was this: "We are going to change the United States of America!"Now it is slowly dawning on more people that it is a change for the worse-- runaway government spending, under the banners of "stimulus" and "jobs," is not stimulating anything except political pay-offs to special interests. As for jobs, the percentage of the population with jobs keeps on declining, even as the administration points to all the jobs it is creating.

  • Our Mosque Madness.Let me be perfectly clear, Mr. Perfectly Unclear President: You cannot take such a stand on a matter of first principle and then take it back the next morning when, lo and behold, Harry Reid goes craven and the Republicans attack. What is so frightening about Fox News?

  • Blackwater Founder Moves to Abu Dhabi.Erik Prince, whose company, Blackwater Worldwide, is for sale and whose former top managers are facing criminal charges, has left the United States and moved to Abu Dhabi, according to court documents.“He needs a break from America,” said one colleague, speaking only on the condition of anonymity about Mr. Prince’s long-rumored move.

  • Three more things we learned about Obamacare after it passed."[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."Hey what happened to the old conventional wisdom "Don't sign anything you haven't read"?

  • Noemie Emery: Let's just appreciate the great Obama presidency.Just how badly does President Obama want the Democrats to lose the 2010 midterm elections? Just how much did first lady Michelle Obama relish her Spanish vacation?It's not as if Muslim outreach hasn't paid off already: Iran has dropped its nuclear plans, and adopted a Good Neighbor policy, which would never have happened if Bush were in office. Can we all say a prayer over this?

  • Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the issue of the 1967 border.The 1949 armistice lines were not a recognized international boundary, and they only invited Arab aggression; renaming them the "1967 borders" will not change history or bring peace.Formally, the 1967 line in the West Bank should properly be called the 1949 Armistice Line. Looking back to that period, on the Egyptian and Syrian fronts there had been a history of international boundaries between British Mandate and its neighbors.

  • Honeytrapped! Policeman needs 'Swat' team after he's trapped in patrol car by 50,000 bees.Talk about a 'sting' operation.A U.S. policeman was forced to hide out in his patrol car for three hours after he was surrounded by 50,000 angry bees.The insects had escaped from a crashed lorry on a highway in North Carolina yesterday morning.When Sheriff's deputy Brandon Jenkins was called to the scene, he was horrified to find that its cargo had been 60 boxes of honey bees.

  • Your fears confirmed: "up to" broadband speeds are bogus.Broadband providers in the US have long hawked their wares in "up to" terms. You know—"up to" 10Mbps, where "up to" sits like a tiny pebble beside the huge font size of the raw number. a probing flashlight on the issue and makes a sharp conclusion: broadband users get, on average, a mere 50 percent of that "up to" speed they had hoped to achieve.

  • In pictures: Spectacular Amazon festival in Brazil!A must see.

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