Friday, June 8, 2012

'Baltic Sea UFO' Relocated, "There is definitely something unusual hiding at the seabed".

'Baltic Sea UFO' Relocated, "There is definitely something unusual hiding at the seabed".(Gathner).The so-called "Baltic Sea UFO" has been relocated by divers on the research vessel Ocean Explorer and reports confirm there is a massive object on the seabed in the exact location found on sonar last year. The research vessel, aka the OceanX, has returned to the spot off the Swedish coast where a gigantic, sunken object was spotted on video last November. Images posted to the web stirred a gigantic debate about its origins, going so far as to speculate it bore an uncanny resemblance to the "Millennium Falcon" spaceship at the center of the Star Wars saga. Others calmly pointed out that the massive, circular object was either a natural formation or the remains of Russian warships sunk to the bottom decades, maybe even a century ago.The original research team, led by Peter Lindberg, who was scouring the area for sunken treasure last year, decided to return to the coordinates with sophisticated sonar and video equipment to have a closer look in the calmer waters of June.
The vessel is also carrying a team of deep sea divers ready to go down for the hands-on approach to decide if this mysterious object is indeed a Baltic Sea UFO.
A breaking news dispatch from the ship on Thursday confirms that the object is real and located in the same position.
It goes on to announce that "The divers are now down and investigating the circle and reports from the ship say they are really amazed. There is definitely something unusual hiding at the seabed - a Mystery Beneath. More information and pictures will be released next week."
The tantalizing dispatch has caused consternation in the many followers of the mission, and comments on the news site already hint at conspiracy and coverup.
It remains to be seen exactly what this immense object really is, but further details which may solve the mystery are only a week permitting.Read the full story here.

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