Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chaplain Alliance Asks Congress to Investigate Removal of Military Bibles.

"The War On Christianity" - Chaplain Alliance Asks Congress to Investigate Removal of Military Bibles.(CP).By Alex Murashko.An atheist activist group is claiming a victory in its ongoing effort to keep religious expression and symbols out of the U.S. armed services after it was announced that the Department of Defense is removing military edition Bibles from its exchange stores. A chaplain alliance group is asking Congress to investigate whether the action taken was religious discrimination. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) said that the Holman Christian Standard Bibles editions "prominently emblazoned with exact replicas of the trademarked emblems of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force" could be seen as the official religious text of the four branches. "Once again our foundation has decisively beaten back those who would see the wall separating church and state reduced to rubble," said Mikey Weinstein, president and founder of MRFF.
"The very fact that the Pentagon – or 'Pentacostal-gon' – had allowed for the insignias of the Navy, Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force to be used for such a clearly evangelical fundamentalist agenda should sicken anyone with any inkling of respect for the 'sacred' principle of religious freedom as enshrined by the foundational documents of our nation, namely the U.S. Constitution."The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty expressed disappointment on Tuesday over the decision by the Department of Defense officials to remove military edition Bibles from the shelves of military exchange stores. "This is one more case of Department of Defense officials bowing to political pressure to create a 'religion free' zone in the military," said Chaplain Alliance officials. Crews questions whether the DoD's apparent alignment with the MRFF's demand is an act of discrimination and is asking politicians to investigate. "Why should these Bibles be removed because of the demands of a small activist group?" Crews asked. "MRFF must cease and desist their reckless assault on religious liberty. The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty calls on Congress to investigate this frivolous threat and apparent discrimination against religious views by the DoD." Hmmmmm.........Obama: “We will hold sacred the beliefs held sacred by others.”Read the full story here.

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