Monday, June 11, 2012

Video - Bosnian Salafist Preacher Bilal Bosnić Sings Songs of Jihad: “With Explosives on Our Chests We Pave the Way to Paradise”.

Following are excerpts from various songs performed by Bosnian Salafist preacher Bilal Bosnić, which were posted on the Internet on May 22, 2009, on July 21, 2011, and on January 30, 2012.

May 22, 2009:

Bilal Bosnić: The beautiful Jihad has risen over Bosnia,

and the Bosnian started calling “Allah Akbar” and praying.


American had better know that I am performing da’wa.

God willing, it will be destroyed to its foundations.


Crowd: Amen.

Bilal Bosnić: American had better know that I am performing da’wa.

God willing, it will be destroyed to its foundations.

If you try to harm the mujahideen once more, oh infidels,

Our Taliban brothers will come from all over,

And they will sentence you with their swords.


Know, oh Bush, that Bosnia will be the end of you.

Don’t you touch our brother Hamza.

Know, oh Bush, that Bosnia will be the end of you.

Don’t you touch our brother Hamza.


January 30, 2012:

Jihad is our destiny and our only desire.

Jihad is our destiny and our only desire.

We raise the banner of Islam.

To You we belong, and to You we return.

We raise the banner of Islam.

To You we belong, and to You we return.

We shall become Your martyrs, we do not fear death.

We shall become Your martyrs, we do not fear death.


July 21, 2011:

Jihad, Jihad, oh Allah, will be the redemption of the believers.

Jihad, Jihad, oh Allah, will be the redemption of the believers.


America and all the other tyrants had better know

that all the Muslims are now like the Taliban,

that all the Muslims are now like the Taliban.

Jihad, Jihad, oh Allah, will be the redemption of the believers.

Jihad, Jihad, oh Allah, will be the redemption of the believers.

Allah Akbar. Allah is my Lord.

Allah Akbar, oh my Lord.

Allah Akbar. Allah is my Lord.

Allah Akbar, oh my Lord.

Listen, all my brothers, believers from all the world,

With explosives on our chests we pave the way to Paradise.


The mujahideen of Palestine give their lives for the sake of martyrdom.

When they reach Paradise they will take pleasure in it.Source: Memri.

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