Friday, June 8, 2012

Video - Rep. Issa Exposes the Obama Administration's Green Jobs Scam.

Rep. Issa Exposes the Obama Administration's Green Jobs Scam.(Forbes).Does the teenage kid who sells used records count as someone who has a green job? What about an oil lobbyist, or someone who works at an antique shop? Those all count as “Green Jobs” according to the Obama Administration’s top statistician at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The “Green Jobs” initiative cost $38.6 billion or $5 million per job and now through the Oversight Committee’s work we are learning more about how the Obama administration gambled away tax payer dollars to support their ideological interests. Take a look at the Oversight Committee’s excerpt video above.
Nearly every myth they highlighted has since been proven to be just that, a myth, founded on nothing but ideology.
Solyndra and the dubious counting methods employed by the Obama Administration are just further proof of the Green Jobs Scam. Indeed, as Morris, predicted “To attempt to transform modern society on the scale proposed by the green jobs literature is an effort of staggering complexity and scale. To do so based on the wishful thinking and bad economics embodied in the green jobs literature would be the height of irresponsibility.” In light of the dubious counting methods employed by BLS, it seems the Green Jobs Scam was indeed the height of irresponsibility.Read the full story here.

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