Thursday, July 26, 2012

Black Sea Fleet commander: "Russian Warships in Mediterranean not Engaged in Syria Tasks".

Black Sea Fleet commander: "Russian Warships in Mediterranean not Engaged in Syria Tasks".(RN).Russian warships in the Mediterranean are preparing for naval drills due in September, and are not carrying out any military tasks in Syria, Rear Admiral Alexander Fedosenkov, a Black Sea Fleet commander, said on Thursday. The statement came after representatives of the Syrian National Council (SNC), an Istanbul-based opposition group, expressed concerns over the deployment of a Russian warship group to the Mediterranean earlier this month, saying it was likely to aggravate the Syrian conflict and encourage President Bashar al-Assad to continue his crackdown on opposition groups. Fedosenkov dismissed the allegations on Thursday, saying: “We are not performing any tasks in Syria. The Russian Navy flotilla, which includes warships and other vessels from the Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets… is preparing for the Kaskad-2012 drills.”
The joint fleet flotilla will not enter the port of Tartus,” Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov told journalists. “It is carrying out military drills in the Mediterranean.” The flotilla is comprised of 10 warships, plus escort vessels. Chirkov also said the flotilla was carrying marines.The Western Syria port of Tartus is Russia’s only foreign naval base outside the former Soviet Union. But Russian analysts have consistently played down the port’s strategic importance, saying it is in reality little more than a refueling stop. But Chirkov said on Thursday that Russia had no intention of giving up the base. He did not however give further details or clarify how Russia would hold onto the base in the event of a pro-Western government coming to power in Syria. Russia’s navy chief, Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov, said earlier on Thursday the flotilla was carrying marines. Russia – along with China – has vetoed three resolutions against the Assad regime over what it says is a pro-rebel bias. Moscow insists it has no special interest in seeing Assad remain in power, but said that the “Syrian people” must decide his fate. President Vladimir Putin vowed, in a pre-election campaign article earlier this year, not to allow in Syria a repeat of last year’s “Libya scenario," which saw the ouster and murder of long-time Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, after a NATO military campaign.Read the full story here and here.

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