Monday, September 17, 2012

Jakarta – Islamists Attacking US Embassy, Molotov Cocktails, Tear-Gas.

Jakarta – Islamists Attacking US Embassy, Molotov Cocktails, Tear-Gas.(RR).Just turned on Metro TV News at 3pm here in Jakarta, and there are violent scenes outside the American Embassy. Hundreds of white-shirt hoodlums from the Islamists FPI – ‘Defenders of Islam,’ – are running riot, tear-gas in use by the police who are present in large numbers too. The reporter says there have been rocks and molotov cocktails thrown and more and more Islamists are pouring into the street outside the embassy.
A rally protesting the movie, Innocence of Muslims, turned chaotic as members of the Islamic Society Forum (FUI) clashed with police in front of the US Embassy in Jakarta on Monday.Four members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) were arrested by Jakarta police over the violent protest in front of the United States embassy on Monday. “It is true that four people have been detained,” Jakarta Police Deputy Chief Brig. Gen. Suhardi Alius said on Monday. “They were caught with slingshots, marbles as the projectiles as well as Molotov cocktails — this violates the law. If [they] do it again, we’ll arrest them again.
Hundreds of people from several organizations joined the demonstration at the US embassy in protest of an anti-Islam film. After protestors became violent, police sprayed tear gas and used water canons. Suhardi said that several policemen sustained minor injuries. “We have seven members injured, so we’ll stay alert,” he said. “If they’re behaving badly, we’ll take action to maintain security.” 
Police put up impromptu barricades with an anti-riot shield to one side of the protesters, preventing them from going to Gambir national Monument and Jalan Medan merdeka Selatan. Mobile phone signals were also jammed to prevent further attack, police said. The clash was sparked after the Central Jakarta Police officers blasted tear gas at hundreds of FUI members. Protesters retaliated by throwing rocks at police officers. The group demanded that the US government punish the film director for insulting the Prophet Muhammad. “According to Islamic law, [the director] must face the death penalty,” said the rally coordinator Bernad Abdul Jabbar to The Jakarta Post earlier on Monday. \
FPI Jakarta Chapter Head Salim Alathas called for the harshest treatment for the maker of the film, “Innocence of Muslims” for causing harm to Muslims worldwide. We from the FPI and other Islamic organizations demand the filmmaker to be sentenced to death for defaming The Prophet Muhammad,” Salim said on Monday. 
The FUI began the protest at 1 p.m. by marching from the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle to the embassy. “It is supposed to be a peaceful rally. However, several members brought eggs with the intention of throwing them. The bottom line is we don’t want the protest to be chaotic,” he added. Central Jakarta Police chief Sr. Comr. Angesta Romano Yoyol previously said that they had deployed 2,000 personnel to guard the rally. About 1,000 protestors hurled stones and Molotov cocktails in a clash with police outside the US Embassy in Central Jakarta Monday afternoon during a protest against an anti-Islam film. Protesters also tried to ignite a fire truck parked outside the embassy and Molotov cocktails exploded against a fence surrounding the embassy. The demonstration started off peacefully as the group of several hundred protesters, many dressed in white, marched toward the mission on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. But the protest turned violent outside the embassy as members of the hard-line Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Islamic Peoples Forum (FUI) flooded the scene, throwing rocks at the embassy and police.Live footage aired on Metro TV showed protestors dressed in white hurling stones at Jakarta Police officers. The demonstrations were the latest protests in Jakarta against “The Innocence of Muslim,” a film that insulted the Prophet Muhammad and set off a series of violent protests across the globe. Demonstrations were also held Monday in the cities of Medan and Bandung. Over the weekend in the central Java town of Solo, protesters stormed KFC and McDonald’s restaurants, forcing customers to leave and management to close the stores. The US Embassy posted a warning on its website telling American citizens to exercise caution in Jakarta and Medan and avoid large groups.Hmmmm.....Obama: "Indonesia is an example of religious tolerance."Read the full story here.

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