Friday, September 28, 2012

Todays Statements by PM Netanyahu and Canadian PM Stephen Harper.

Todays Statements by PM Netanyahu and Canadian PM Stephen Harper.(IMRA).Prime Minister Netanyahu: "I want to express my pleasure at seeing Stephen Harper again. He's proved he's a real statesman, and Stephen, I think that what you did, severing ties with Iran, was not only an act of statesmanship, but an act of moral clarity.
We've heard Iran talk about destroying Israel, even now, here at this current round of the UN General Assembly, and the fact that you took such clear, decisive steps is a great example to be followed by other nations, many of which attended a conference in Tehran and said nothing. I tried to say something yesterday, that I think reverberates now around the world, as you just told me, and that is to translate the agreement and principle of stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons to practice.
In practice, that means setting red lines on their enrichment process. It's their only discernible and vulnerable part of their nuclear program. I think that if such red lines are set, I believe that Iran will back off, and I think this message is percolated [unclear] a lot of debate and also considerable discussions between the United States and us, And I also hope to take some minutes to discuss it with you as a great champion of freedom, and a great friend of Israel."
Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "Thank you, Prime Minister. It's always wonderful to see you again and I look forward to discussing these very critical issues, obviously, our bi-lateral issues but some of these global issues. I spoke last night, certainly our country has not been shy about warning the world about the danger that the Iranian regime ultimately presents to all of us. As you know we want to see a peaceful resolution of all this and we work closely with our allies to try and alert the world to the danger this presents and the necessity of dealing with it. I look forward to discussing that with you, and our shared values. [French] I look forward once again, great to see you and I look forward to our discussions."
Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Je suis d'accord…"Hmmmm......."Pour les vaincre, messieurs, il nous faut de l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace et la Patrie sera sauvée!" ~ Danton.

1 comment:

  1. Btw, hehehehe!!!


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