Thursday, September 27, 2012

Video - Iranian Deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast stung by swarm of U.N. protesters.

Video - Iranian Deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast stung by swarm of U.N. protesters.(AA).An Iranian diplomat was escorted from a Manhattan street by New York police on Wednesday after he was surrounded and threatened by an angry mob of protesters near the United Nations. Footage uploaded onto social media site, YouTube, showed an aerial view of the incident. One angry protestor visiting from Arkansas, Gregory Nelson, claimed to have even punched Deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast in the stomach, the New York Daily News reported online. “It felt really good,” said Nelson, 50, after delivering his shot to the Iranian bigwig’s stomach. “It wasn’t that hard, but he felt it.” Mehmanparast was walking near the United Nations when he was noticed and confronted by the angry mob on Second Avenue near East 48th Street. He flagged down police officers, who helped him get to a safe spot. The incident followed a speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the U.N. General Assembly. Outside the building, thousands of anti-Ahmadinejad demonstrators rallied in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza opposite the world body. Ahmadinejad, known for past fiery denunciations of the United States and Israel, said before the General Assembly that there is a “continued threat by the uncivilized Zionists to resort to military action against our great nation.” A coalition of Iranian-American groups organised the protest against Ahmadinejad - one of the largest gatherings staged against the Iranian leader in recent years during the General Assembly.Hmmmm.....Do we really want to stoop to their level?Read the full story here.

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