Saturday, September 29, 2012

Where exactly and how much of our tax dollars is Obama sending to his 'buddies'? USAID's annual U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants UNAVAILABLE.

Where exactly and how much of our tax dollars is Obama sending to his 'buddies'? USAID's annual U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants UNAVAILABLE.(TOF).Steven Lee Myers is reporting that the Obama administration notified Congress on Friday that it would provide Egypt’s new government an emergency cash infusion of $450 million, but the aid immediately encountered resistance from a prominent lawmaker wary of foreign aid and Egypt’s new course under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The aid is part of the $1 billion in assistance that the Obama administration has pledged to Egypt to bolster its transition to democracy after the overthrow last year of the former president, Hosni Mubarak. Its fate, however, was clouded by concerns over the new government’s policies and, more recently, the protests that damaged the American Embassy in Cairo.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) notified Congress of the cash infusion on Friday morning during the pre-election recess, promptly igniting a smoldering debate over foreign aid and the administration’s handling of crises in the Islamic world.
The USAID's annual U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants, or "Greenbook," contains summarized data regarding U.S. foreign assistance since 1945, and detailed data for the last several fiscal years. Foreign assistance is listed by recipient country and organized by geographic region. Clicking the link gets this:
Http/1.1 Service Unavailable
This could be temporary -- USAID should have 2010 and 2011 posted on their site, but they don’t. That’s where you’ll find Obama’s largesse towards Muslim countries really goes off the charts.
And Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday announced $45 million in additional aid for Syrian opposition activists, the latest U.S. push for influence in a civil war that’s raged beyond the international community’s control.
Clinton announced the new aid package before meeting with visiting Syrian dissidents on the margins of this week’s U.N. General Assembly, where world leaders sounded bleaker than ever about the prospects for a negotiated political resolution to the 18-month uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad.
U.S. humanitarian aid for Syria now will total more than $132 million this year, though Syrian rebels are more interested in weapons and military training than in the American promises of more “nonlethal assistance.” Of the $45 million pledged Friday, $30 million is earmarked for humanitarian assistance and $15 million for radios, training and other technical support for opposition activists.

More money!
Member Katy has been researching aid to Muslim-dominated countries and has provided this data, she calls "billions for jihad!"

Obamas 2009 Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Pandemic Flu was revised and passed by the full committee.
It gives billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to countries and entities that support Sharia law and/or harbor, hide and support those who want to destroy the U.S. and our allies.
Read the summary from David Obeys office that was quietly released last week with nary a word from any media.
$3.6 Billion, matching the request, to expand and improve capabilities of the Afghan security forces.

$400 Million, as requested, to build the counterinsurgency capabilities of the Pakistani security forces.
AFGHANISTAN: $1.52 Billion, $86 million above the request.
WEST BANK AND GAZA: $665 Million in bilateral economic, humanitarian, and security assistance for the West Bank and Gaza.
JORDAN: $250 Million, $250 million above the request, including $100 million for economic and $150 million for security assistance.
EGYPT: $360 Million, $310 million above the request, including $50 million for economic assistance,$50 million for border security, and $260 million for security assistance.
PAKISTAN: $1.9 Billion, $591 million above the request.
IRAQ: $968 Million, $336 million above the request.

LEBANON: $74 Million

OVERSIGHT: $20 million, $13 million above the request, to expand oversight capacity of the State Department, USAID, and the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan to review programs in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq
INTERNATIONAL FOOD ASSISTANCE: $500 Mikllion, $200 million above the request, for PL 480 international food assistance to alleviate suffering during the global economic crisis
REFUGEE ASSISTANCE: $343 Million, $50 million above the request, including humanitarian assistance for Gaza. Funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency programs in the West Bank and Gaza is limited to $119 million (Note: Gaza = Hamas)
DISASTER ASSISTANCE: $200 Million to avert famines and provide life-saving assistance during natural disasters and for internally displaced people around the world, including Somalia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, the Middle East and South Asia
PEACEKEEPING: $837 Million for the United Nations peacekeeping operations, including an expanded mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a new mission in Chad and the Central African Republic
Department of Justice:$17 million, matching the request, for counter-terrorism activities and to provide training and assistance for the Iraqi criminal justice system
And Obama is giveing your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world.

According to the Associated Press, the Obama administration will give away nearly $6 million to restore 63 "historic and cultural sites, including Islamic mosques and minarets in 55 nations. See the State Department document here.
And the U.S. "wasted" $200million on Iraqi police training program.

And Thats just the tip of the iceberg . . .

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