Thursday, November 1, 2012

Canadian psychic Blair Robertson: ""I predict that Mitt Romney will be the next President of the United States,"

Canadian psychic Blair Robertson: ""I predict that Mitt Romney will be the next President of the United States,"(Yahoo). Yahoo! Canada News decided to go to psychic medium Blair Robertson to get a firm prediction about who will be America's next President.
 And, according to Robertson, we all better prepare ourselves for President Mitt Romney.
Believe it or not, Robertson, a Canadian psychic who in the past has provided forecasts for the Washington Times, the Toronto Star and CTV News, claims that Barack Obama will be a 'one-termer.' "I predict that Mitt Romney will be the next President of the United States," he said.

"After the election, I'm seeing recounts...Counts will be hotly contested."
Robertson suggests that Tuesday night will a good night all around for the Republicans. He predicts that they'll maintain their majority in the House and be competitive in the battle over the Senate. "The Senate is proving challenging to predict, even for me," he said. "What I am seeing is more cooperation than in the past, more getting accomplished and passed. I'm predicting it will be Republican based on that, but either way, whoever wins will win it on fumes... just barely making it," he told Yahoo!. "To express it another way: I see it as being so close it won't matter as members will be able to vote in a manner that will allow more laws to pass." Robertson adds that a Romney government will be good for Canada. He says the new President will approve the controversial Keystone Pipeline within 12 months and that there will be much more cooperation in regards to cross border trade.Read the full story here.

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