Thursday, January 17, 2013

50 Arabs Attack Rachel's Tomb with pipe and firebombs.

50 Arabs Attack Rachel's Tomb with pipe and firebombs.(INN).About 50 Arabs mounted an assault on Rachel's Tomb, just outside Bethlehem, Wednesday evening. They threw pipe bombs, fire bombs and rocks at the security forces guarding the compound, injuring one soldier lightly. The soldier, who was hit by a rock, received medical treatment on the spot and did not require hospitalization. The IDF Spokesman said that the Arabs threw nine pipe bombs and 18 fire bombs. One of the pipe bombs caused some damage to the security wall surrounding the complex. The IDF Spokesman said that the soldiers are using riot dispersal gear against the attackers. In past years, any large scale attack with explosives and fire bombs would in all probability have been repelled with live fire. However, the IDF is shackled by a Military Attorney's Office and State Attorney's Office that often prosecute soldiers for opening fire against attackers unless they can prove a clear and present danger to their lives.Read the full story here.

2012 - Fortress 'Rachel's Tomb'.

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