Sunday, January 20, 2013

American pastor faces death sentence in Iran - 'I am told I will hang for my faith in Jesus.'

HT: TundraTabloids. Mr Abdini, who converted to Christianity at the age of 20, was building an orphanage near the city of Rasht on the Caspian Sea, fuelled by a belief that the Bible teaches helping widows and orphans, according to his wife.
He was detained in 2009 but later released after agreeing to sign a commitment not to engage in religious activities such as working in underground churches.
Mr Abidini had travelled to Iran nine times since his detention before being arrested again. "He had no worries that he would be arrested, believing that he kept his end of the promise and that the government would keep their end," she told AFP. The US state department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, has expressed "serious concerns" about the case.
However, 49 US congressmen have urged the state department to call for Mr Abdini's release, saying the government could do more despite not having diplomatic relations with Iran.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom, a panel advising American policymakers, has called on Iran to release Mr Abedini "immediately and unconditionally." Hmmmm......."The Future Does not belong to those......."Read the full story here.

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