Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Attawapiskat chief loses 30 pounds since going on liquid diet, claims band audit is a ‘witch hunt’.

This is NOT Chief Spence.
Attawapiskat chief loses 30 pounds since going on liquid diet, claims band audit is a ‘witch hunt’.(NP).On her hunger strike, Spence said she was willing to die and leave her children without a mother if Harper and Gov. Gen. David Johnston didn’t meet with her and other chiefs.
“I go day by day. I’m still waiting for that meeting that needs to take place with the Governor General and the prime minister and our leaders. This meeting is required,” Spence said.
Spence said it was a mistake for AFN chiefs to meet with Harper on Jan. 11 because it was considered a “working group” rather than nation-to-nation talks. She also said that First Nations leaders saw Johnston’s role as key to their concerns, despite the Governor General being a largely ceremonial figurehead that acts on the advice of the government.
“We feel his role in a different way because when this treaty was signed, it was with the Crown,” Spence said.
Spence said she has lost 30 pounds since she started her liquid diet about 40 days ago, and brushed off anyone doubting the validity of her fast saying: “There’s always criticism.”
The First Nations leader who has vowed to go without solid food until she meets with the prime minister and Governor General in the same room said in a television interview aired Sunday that a scathing audit of her band’s financial records was part of a “witch hunt.”
Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence also said she would not give up her liquid diet despite growing calls for her to do so as she defended criticism of her fast, her demands of the government and her band’s finances.
Spence told CTV’s Question Period that she met with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada officials to discuss the results of the audit and find ways to improve what auditors considered abysmal record keeping on the northern Ontario reserve of Attawapiskat.
The audit found that going back to April 1, 2005, the band council didn’t properly prepare budgets or keep minutes to support band council resolutions. About 80 per cent of the transactions analyzed — many of which took place before Spence became chief in 2010 — didn’t have proper documentation to support spending of about $104 million in funding provided to Attawapiskat during that time.Read the full story here.

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