Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chuck Hagel? Hell No!!! Obama Defense Pick Linked to Institute for Policy Studies, Anti-Military Marxists.

Chuck Hagel? Hell No!!! Obama Defense Pick Linked to Institute for Policy Studies, Anti-Military Marxists.BY TrevorLoudon.President Barack Obama‘s proposed appointment of former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as US Secretary of Defense, is generating interest, and even approval, on the far left.
Phyllis Bennis, of the Washington DC based Institute for Policy Studies, wrote an article for The Nation, January 8, 2013, posing the question “Will Chuck Hagel’s Appointment Actually Help the Anti-War Left?
While claiming that Hagel is a conservative, Bennis outlined advantages to leftist “peace movement” activists of Chuck Hagel becoming US Secretary of Defense. Bennis is particularly happy that Hagel’s appointment is a clear signal that Obama intends to move forward with the Anti-American left’s number one priority – dramatically downsizing the US military.
Institute for Policy Studies approval of Hagel is highly significant. As the most influential, far left think tank in America, IPS has campaigned for 50 years to destroy US military superiority.
In “Cold War” times, the IPS was notorious for its ties to the Soviet Union, the KGB and Cuban intelligence.
In recent times the IPS has worked with domestic Marxists to build the US peace movement and anti military movements, including co-founding a “partner organization”, the US’s largest “anti-military umbrella group United for Peace and Justice.
Coincidentally Chuck Hagel serves on the board of yet another IPS “partner organization, the George Soros funded Ploughshares Fund.
Interestingly Ploughshares is dedicated to cutting the US military budget, and scrapping America’s nuclear arsenal.
According to the Ploughshare’s website
Ploughshares Fund is a publicly funded nonprofit foundation that believes nuclear weapons pose a unique challenge to global security. By far the most destructive weapons on Earth, the use of nuclear weapons by accident, malice or design threatens mass destruction. Even unused, however, their terrible power disrupts the international systems meant to preserve order and stability.Ploughshares Fund seeks to reduce and ultimately eliminate the threat posed by nuclear weapons. “To that end, we partner with the most promising efforts and smartest individuals in the U.S. and abroad seeking and implementing new and innovative solutions to this international problem.

Ploughshares even claims partial credit for the New START disarmament treaty which Obama signed with Moscow, early in his first term, and hopes to build on that success.
Against overwhelming odds we helped strengthen U.S. security by winning the New START treaty to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear arms. We can build momentum for further cuts by generating ideas to overcome obstacles on issues like missile defense and tactical nuclear weapons.
Ploughshares is very happy that one of their own may soon be in a position to implement their agenda.
Chuck Hagel may well be conservative on some issues. However when it comes to foreign policy and defense, he is right in line with of the most extreme leftist, anti American elements in the country.
Ploughshares and the Institute for Policy Studies, are not liberal pressure groups. They are pro Marxist , and unpatriotic to the core.
Barack Obama has worked with pro-communist anti-US military activists, such as Frank Marshall Davis, Alice Palmer, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn his entire life.
Their main agenda was to destroy the US military, because American power was the major stumbling block to world socialism.
Will Chuck Hagel be used to give “right wing” cover to a far left anti-defense agenda.
Will the prestige of a decorated war veteran be used to cover the destruction of America’s military superiority.
The US Senate has the power to block Chuck Hagel’s appointment. For the sake of their country’s national security, they must exercise that power.Hmmmm........."FLEXABILITY".Read the full conspiracy story here.

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