Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Video - Ezra Levant: "Natives as frontmen: Unscrupulous US groups are using Aboriginals for their environmental attacks."

EzraLevant - HT: Sun News Last week was the busiest of Theresa Spence's life. She's the chief of the Attawapiskat Indian reserve who has been on a "hunger strike."

Her week started with the release of a damning financial audit by Deloitte, which found that millions of dollars spent from her band finances had no paper trail. That kind of bombshell keeps you busy.
And then there was the big meeting of all the Indian chiefs in town, where she was a big topic of discussion.
And of course the week ended on a high note. Although she refused to meet with the prime minister, she did permit the governor general to meet with her.
All in all, a pretty exciting week for a woman who usually putters around a remote town of 1,500 people.
Which makes a press release that she sent out in the middle of last week amazing.

In the middle of all that, the chief sent out a press release about ... the Alberta oilsands?

In the middle of the most intense week of her life, which was about the prime minister, the governor general, her Indian band, the audit, her hunger strike and her, her, her, she put out a detailed press release condemning the oilsands? Attawapiskat is in northern Ontario. It's 1,900 km from the oilsands. It's the same distance from Attawapiskat to Nashville, Tenn.
Spence has never said anything about the oilsands in public. Her only possible connection is that her Indian band's stock portfolio contains a million dollars of oilsands shares.

She surely didn't write the release. So who did?Hmmmm......And is there an 'Iranian Connection'?

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