Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Video - Rand Paul Slams “King” Obama Over Executive Order Threat.

Rand Paul Slams “King” Obama Over Executive Order Threat.As Barack Obama signaled that he would use executive orders to help carry out his gun control agenda, Senator Rand Paul slammed the president for acting like a “king,” usurping the Constitution, and running roughshod over Congress.
Speaking with CBN News, Paul remarked, “I’m against having a king. I think having a monarch is what we fought the American Revolution over and someone who wants to bypass the Constitution, bypass Congress — that’s someone who wants to act like a king or a monarch.
Adding that he had consistently opposed executive orders even under Republican administrations, the Kentucky Senator vowed to “fight tooth and nail” to derail Obama’s gun grab.
And I promise you, there’ll be no rock left unturned as far as trying to stop him from usurping the Constitution, running roughshod over Congress,” asserted Paul. “And you will see one heck of a debate if he decides to try to do this.
Hmmm......FACT!!!!! The first ten amendments were by being part of the constitution are laws of the land completely curtailing any action by the federal government from acting against these amendments. These are laws against any federal government acting on these topics unless they amend the constitution with ratification by two thirds of the states. that is the only way by law that these amendments and constitution can be changed.Read the full story here.

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