Saturday, February 23, 2013

Eat, Drink and be Merry - Happy Purim

Eat, Drink and be Merry - Happy Purim.From Giyus.Purim is probably one of the favorite holidays in the Jewish year - costumes, feasts and the flow of wine make it a merry holiday indeed.

Queen Esther is the heroine of this holiday and one of the most popular costumes for little girls in Israel. She was the beautiful Jewish woman selected by the King of Persia to be his wife. After she became queen, she begged the king to save her people from Haman's wicked plan to destroy them. He did, and thus the Jews were saved.But there's more to this story then meets the eye, read the rest of this post here, and this great version of the Purim story.

Purim provides the Jewish comics' classic example of a Jewish Holiday:

"They tried to kill us. We survived. Let's eat!"

The Jews used to celebrate heartily at the Purim Adloyada ["until they don't know"] festival and parade held in Tel Aviv in the 1920s and 30's.
Some commentators make a crude comparison to Marde Gras partying, but the merriment is based on an ancient rabbinic tradition of Jews imbibing on Purim to the point where they do not know the difference between sobriety and drunkenness, between Mordechai and Haman -- but without losing their wits.
The Purim tale did not take place in Eretz Yisrael, but in Persia. A villain named Haman arose and tried to destroy the Jewish people. Through guile and disguise, Mordechai and Esther were able to thwart Haman's genocidal plans and save the Jewish people. To this day there is a custom to dress up in disguises.More here at "Picture a Day".

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