Saturday, February 23, 2013

'Emperor' Obama to circumvent lawful due process on climate.

'Emperor' Obama to circumvent lawful due process on climate.HT: Wattsupwiththat.Posted on February 22, 2013.By Anthony Watts.

FLASHBACK March 2011: Obama on Deporting Illegals ‘America Is a Nation of Laws,’ Presidential Action Not ‘Appropriate’ Obama Administration Moves Forward on Climate Change Without Congress Forthcoming regulation likely means no new coal-fired power plants will be built in the United States By Rebekah Metzler February 22, 2013
President Barack Obama is tired of waiting for Congress to move on legislation to reduce carbon emissions, and his administration is poised to move forward on actions to do just that—including a move that will effectively eliminate the possibility of any new coal plant opening in the United States, experts say.

We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence,” Obama said during his State of the Union address. “Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science—and act before it’s too late.”


Sure, let’s ignore China and Germany building new coal plants like there is no tomorrow because some activist idiots (led by “death train” Hansen)have made the weak minded afraid of the weather.

What happens when people start dying in the cold winters because they can’t afford electricity? This is already happening in Britain.

Hmmmm........ShoreBank, Obama’s Mother and Geithner’s Father – Coincidences?There is also a solid link between the Islamic Banking Cooperative, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, The Ford Foundation, Devron Bank of Chicago and the Bank of Indonesia (Stanley A. Dunham was a research coordinator at this bank and a program officer for the Ford Foundation).

Related : ShoreBank - Obama - CarbonTrading.

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