Thursday, February 21, 2013

Free Syrian Army threaten to fire on Lebanon's Hezbollah unless they stops shelling territory held by them.

Ave, Syria morituri te salutant

Free Syrian Army threaten to fire on Lebanon's Hezbollah unless they stops shelling territory held by them.(AA).Damascus - A commander of the rebel Free Syrian Army warned on Wednesday that his forces would target Lebanon's Hezbollah unless the powerful militant group stops shelling territory held by the insurgents.
The ultimatum, which expires on Thursday, came after the outgunned rebel fighters shot down a regime warplane following a deadly air strike that killed 20 people in a Damascus province town.
General Selim Idriss, the FSA chief of staff, told AFP that Hezbollah had long been taking part in hostilities in Syria, but had gone too far by shelling villages near Qusayr in Homs province from the Bekaa valley in Lebanon.
"Hezbollah is abusing Lebanese sovereignty to shell Syrian territory and Free Syrian Army positions," said Idriss.
"In the past week... Hezbollah has been shelling into villages around Qusayr from Lebanese territory, and that we cannot accept."
The commander said the rebels were giving Hezbollah a 48-hour deadline to stop the attacks and "as soon as the ultimatum ends, we will start responding to the sources of fire".
Rebels in the Qusayr area would would be backed by FSA fighters "equipped with long-range weapons from other areas," he said.Hmmm.....Get a cozy chair and Popcorn the main event is starting.Read the full story (Video) here, more here.

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