Friday, December 4, 2015

Iraq demands 'Neo Ottoman conqueror' Turkey's troops withdraw from near Mosul.

Iraq demands 'Neo Ottoman conqueror' Turkey's troops withdraw from near Mosul. (BBC).

The Iraqi government has demanded that Turkey withdraw troops it sent to an area near the northern city of Mosul.

Iraq has not requested that any country send ground troops into its territory and will regard any such move as a “hostile act,” the country’s prime minister, Haider Al-Abadi, said in view of a US decision to deploy special forces in the country.

Iraq “will consider any country sending ground combat forces a hostile act and will deal with it on this basis,” Al-Abadi said in a statement published by the prime minister’s office on Thursday, adding that the Iraqi government is committed to not allowing the presence of any ground force on the land of Iraq.”

The Iraqi government confirms its firm and categorical rejection of any action of this kind issued by any country [that] violates our [Iraq’s] national sovereignty,Al-Abadi also said in the statement.

Baghdad “did not request any side... to send ground forces to Iraq,” he added, thus refuting reports that the Iraqi government had called for deployment of foreign troops to help Iraqi forces fight Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS?ISIL).

Iraq does not need any foreign forces from any state or international coalition, it only needs weapons, ammunition and training from its partners and allies in the fight against IS, the prime minister’s statement says.

The move was "serious breach of Iraqi sovereignty" Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's office said in a statement.

About 150 Turkish soldiers have been deployed near in the town of Bashiqa to train Iraqi Kurdish forces, earlier reports said.

Mosul has been under the control of the Islamic State (IS) group since last year.

according to two US defense officials quoted by Reuters, Turkey’s deployment is not part of the efforts of the US-led coalition battling Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

On Friday, 130 Turkish soldiers equipped with heavy weapons were deployed at a military base on the outskirts of the city of Mosul, which is currently held by IS, according to the Daily Sabah newspaper.

According to Cumhuriyet newspaper, the number of the deployed Turkish troops amounts to at least 150.

The town of Bashiqa is located about 10 kilometers northeast of Mosul. The statement called on Turkey to "respect good neighbourly relations and to withdraw immediately from the Iraqi territory". Hmmm.......Just a friendly stroll among ISIS ....exchanging some friendly gifts and so on. Read the full story here.

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