Friday, December 4, 2015

Two Alleged Ex-ISIS Fighters Detained in Austria posing as refugees.

Two Alleged Ex-ISIS Fighters Detained in Austria posing as refugees. (NBC).

 MAINZ, Germany — Two Syrians who were registered as refugees after making their way to Austria have been detained amid claims they previously fought for ISIS.

A spokesman for the prosecutor's office in Salzburg confirmed to NBC News today that two separate investigations were ongoing against "two Syrian men in their 20s."

The two men were reported to authorities by other migrants who were concerned by both their behavior and background stories. Authorities say they reportedly had discussed their involvement in ISIS combat.

"There is no evidence that the men planned terror attacks in Europe and there is no evidence of a connection to recent attacks," the prosecutor's office spokesman added.

Both men were being held in so-called "investigative custody" in Austria. The probe is ongoing. Hmmmm.......yup they were just planning some sight seeing in the EU. Thank God for the other refugees as screening obviously doesn't work. Read the full story here.

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