Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Iran says IAEA delegation’s visit to Parchin not planned

Iran says IAEA delegation’s visit to Parchin not planned.(TI).Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) Fereydoun Abbasi Davani said today that IAEA delegation will not visit Parchin Military Base.
Abbasi told this ISNA an hour after beginning of negotiations between Iran and IAEA delegation in Tehran on Feb. 13.
However, Abbasi underlined that talks between Iran and IAEA will be continued until a logical result is achieved, adding that Parchin is a military base, not a nuclear site.
"IAEA should provide reliable evidences and documents regarding the alleged claims, but it refuses to do so," he said.
The IAEA wants to revisit Parchin, a military site in southeast of Tehran, to probe Western and Israeli allegations regarding the site's relation to Iran's nuclear program.
Iran has rejected the allegation of nuclear activities being carried out at Parchin.
Yesterday Abbasi announced that IAEA does not have sufficient security to prevent the leakage of sensitive information.
Iran allowed the IAEA to inspect the site twice a few years ago. Tehran says any new agency inspection must be governed by an agreement that lays out the scope of such a visit.
Abbasi said that a visit to Parchin is not planned, but the talks will be continued to find legal framework for IAEA's future inspections in Parchin.Read the full story here.

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