Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Prophecy unfolding before our very eyes - As heard on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report in Januari: Pope Benedict XVI will resign.

Prophecy unfolding before our very eyes - As heard on The Hagmann and Hagmann Report in January: Pope Benedict XVI will resign.

Prophecy unfolding before our very eyes: Tom Horn, author of Petrus Romans, The Final Pope is Here, and author Steve Quayle will join us for a very special Hagmann and Hagmann Report this Thursday, February 14, 2013.

11 February 2013: In the wake of today’s news that Pope Benedict XVI will resign on February 28, 2013, the first papal resignation in nearly 600 years, listeners to the Hagmann and Hagmann Report will recall this historic date: Sunday, January 13, 2013.
That was the broadcast with Steve Quayle and Tom Horn, author of Petrus Romanus, The Final Pope is Here when the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was discussed – nearly one month before this official Vatican announcement.
The 3-hour audio program from January discussed the resignation of the Pope and the ushering in of Petrus Romanus according to the prophecies of St. Malachy and ancient documents, along with the future of the Vatican, the Papacy and the world.You can listen to the broadcast again here.

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