Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Russsia sending planes and warships to Syria, may evacuate Russians: official.

Russia sending planes and warships to Syria, may evacuate Russians: official.(AA).
Russia is sending four more warships to the Mediterranean Sea, the defence ministry said on Tuesday, as the crisis in Syria worsens and Moscow takes measures for a possible evacuation of citizens.
The four landing ships will join an escort ship and smaller vessels that are already on duty in the region, the defence ministry said in a statement to Russian news agencies.
A military source quoted by RIA Novosti said their main task could be taking part in a possible evacuation of Russian citizens from Syria.
"Even though the tasks of the warships has not been announced, it can be assumed that given the development of the situation in the region their main job will be taking part in a possible evacuation of Russian citizens from Syria," said the source.
Russia has also sent two planes to the country to pick up Russians wanting to leave as the navy despatched four warships to the Mediterranean reportedly for a possible larger evacuation.
Two emergencies ministry planes carrying humanitarian aid for Syria took off from Moscow for the port city of Latakia and would take any Russians wanting to leave on their flight back, the ministry said.
Observers are watching for any hints of Russia planning a full-scale evacuation of its citizens which would be seen as a tacit admission from Moscow that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad is doomed in its fight against rebels.
The defence ministry said in a statement to Russian news agencies that the ships would be on "military service" but gave no further details.
The Russian emergencies ministry Ilyushin-62 and Ilyushin-76 planes were carrying over 40 tonnes of humanitarian aid and would be ready to evacuate any Russians wanting to leave the country, a ministry statement said.
According to Russian media, 8,000 Russians are registered with the consulate in Syria but there could be as many as 25,000 Russian women who have married Syrians living in the country.Read the full story here.

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