Sunday, February 24, 2013

Update on "Iran claims the IRGC Captured another foreign Spy Drone"....Captured ‘Enemy Drone’ Was IRGC’s Mock Drone.

Update on "Iran claims they Captured another foreign Spy Drone"....Captured ‘Enemy Drone’ Was IRGC’s Mock Drone.(UOI).Iran’s state-run Press TV reported on Sunday that the captured enemy drone was only a mock drone used as an enemy drone during the Great Prophet 8 exercises.

“Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has successfully taken control of the mock enemy's reconnaissance drone on the first day of the Payambar-e Azam 8 (The Great Prophet 8) military drills.” (Press TV, 24 February)

On Saturday, IRGC Brig. Gen. Hamid Sarkheili, the military spokesman for the exercises, told reporters that IRGC air defense units had captured a foreign spy drone near the area where IRGC units were conducting maneuvers. The IRGC general added that the forced landing of the enemy drone was captured on video and will be shown publicly is the military commanders choose to. (Fars News Agency, 23 February)

Also on Saturday, Mehr News Agency reported that IRGC had detected and observed the presence of a foreign spy drone observing the maneuvers, but the news agency did not say that the drone was captured.

Now, the Press TV is telling us that the captured enemy drone was IRGC’s own mock drone.

Hmmmm......May the 'Farce' be with them for eternity.Read the full story here.

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