Wednesday, February 6, 2013

VIDEO: Rand Paul on the Rise of Islamic Radicalism

Rand Paul on the Rise of Islamic Radicalism.HT: Heritage.
Like communism, radical Islam is an ideology with worldwide reach,” he said. “Containing radical Islam requires a worldwide strategy like containment.”
“Some libertarians argue that Western occupation fans the flames of radical Islam—I agree,” said Paul. “But I don’t agree that absent Western occupation that radical Islam ‘goes quietly into that good night.’ I don’t agree with FDR’s VP Henry Wallace that the Soviets (or radical Islam in today’s case) can be discouraged by ‘the glad hand and the winning smile.’”
Instead, Paul argued that adopting a Reagan-like stance in American foreign policy would better serve American interests.
The truth is that Reagan used clear messages of communism’s evil and clear exposition of America’s strength to contain and ultimately transcend the Soviet Union,” he said.

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