Friday, February 22, 2013

Video - Robert Spencer vs. Mubin Shaikh: Does the Qur'an Call for the Violent Subjugation of Unbelievers?

Video - Robert Spencer vs. Mubin Shaikh: Does the Qur'an Call for the Violent Subjugation of Unbelievers?HT: AnsweringMuslims.I wish I could brag about Robert Spencer crushing Mubin Shaikh in this debate, but I can't. To do so would be like bragging about Mike Tyson snatching a lollypop from a toddler. I'm not, of course, condemning Shaikh's performance. I think he did about as well as a Muslim could do under such circumstances. But when the topic is whether the Qur'an calls for the violent subjugation of non-Muslims, Robert might as well be taking candy from a baby.

Here's the main verse for discussion:

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

On a related note, here's a complete analysis of the historical, immediate, and extended literary contexts of 9:29. For some reason, Shaikh goes to the opening verses of Surah 9 (which are part of a discussion of Islam's dealings with pagans) to establish the context of 9:29 (which is a discussion of Islam's dealings with Christians and Jews). Unfortunately for Shaikh, the Muslim sources are very clear on the meaning of 9:29:

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