Friday, February 22, 2013

Vorsprung Durch Technik - Operation of Bushehr nuclear power plant halted until Feb. 28.

Vorsprung Durch Technik - Operation of Bushehr nuclear power plant halted until Feb. 28.(TI).Operations at the Bushehr nuclear power plant have been halted again until February 28 to enable repairs of the turbine generator, a close source to the plant told RIA Novosti.
'During the examination conducted by the IAEA at Bushehr NPP on Feb. 16-17, 2013, Iran informed the agency that the reactor had been stopped,' a report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Iran said.
Iran is going to delay the transfer of the Bushehr NPP until we have complete confidence that all the station's technical problems are addressed, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said earlier. Salehi said that Russian experts used the most advanced technology in its construction.
Construction of a nuclear power plant at Bushehr was launched by German firm Kraftwerk Union AG (Siemens / KWU) in 1974. An agreement was signed between the governments of Russia and Iran on the construction of nuclear power plants on August 25, 1992 and a contract was signed in January 1995 to complete construction of the station's first power generating unit.
Bushehr's actual launch began under the control of the IAEA on August 21, 2010, when delivery of nuclear fuel was made in the station's reactor department. In May 2011, work was carried out on the power unit which maintains the nuclear steam supply system at the minimum controllable capacity level.Hmmmm......"Vorsprung Durch Technik".Read the full story here.

1 comment:

  1. At the same time as the IAEA, the internationally recognized nuclear watchdog of the UN, released its most recent critical report of Iran’s nuclear program (see my recent post), Farhad Pouladi from AFP decided to rewrite the news.

    A full three quarters of his report were made up of a mere regurgitation of Saeed Jalili’s propaganda:

    “Iran has fulfilled its NPT obligations as an active and committed member, therefore (it) should gain all of its rights,” Jalili said in an address to Iranian nuclear industry officials.
    read the full post about bushehr nuclear power plant


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