Sunday, May 19, 2013

"CHANGE" - 15-year-old California girl Declares the Holocaust a Hoax, Submits a report for a Public school project and gets an A.

"CHANGE" - 15-year-old California girl Declares the Holocaust a Hoax, Submits a report for a Public school project and gets an A.(YouTube).
A 15-year-old girl from Southern California who attends a public high school tells the story of how she recently became aware of questions concerning the holocaust. After hearing the establishment's version of the 'shoah' in her history class for weeks along with persistent rumors that Obamacare included provisions for microchipping all Americans, she was very upset at all the frightening and traumatizing details. But then she had an encounter which led her to question what she had been taught, and decided to conduct her own investigation.

Upon completion of her research, she decided to submit a report for a school project in an elective class she was taking for extra credit. She titled it 'Holohoax,' and got an A on the report! 
Unfortunately for the regime, the widely accepted version of the 'holocaust' which has been passed down for generations and constantly promoted through Hollywood propaganda films is not enough to brainwash the youth, who are increasingly thinking for themselves, outside the box. Hmmmm......It's a pity in some countries in Europe Holocaust Denial can get you Years of re-education in Prison.

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