Sunday, May 26, 2013

'From Russia With Love' Obama and Putin’s Secret Correspondence.

'From Russia With Love' Obama and Putin’s Secret Correspondence.HT: TrevorLoudon.

This is very dangerous stuff folks. America’s pro-Moscow communist affiliated President Obama, doing secret deals with Russia’s KGB President Putin.

Which country do you think is going to get screwed out of this?

From Russia Today:
US President Barack Obama has received a personal response to his letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin: Moscow and Washington must work to overcome antagonism and deal with global political issues as partners, not foes.
The response was delivered by Russian National Security Council head Nikolay Patrushev, who has been on a two-day visit to Washington, DC. Patrushev delivered the letter to White House National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon. President Obama also carved out time to join the two for a talk, National Security Council spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said.
The Russian Embassy in Washington, DC, stressed that the negotiations were conducted in a “business-like benevolent atmosphere, and were aimed at preparing further top-level contacts. Both presidents will have their next face-to-face meeting on the sidelines of the upcoming 39th G8 summit in Northern Ireland on June 17 and 18.
If progress is made at the summit, Obama might then make a special visit to Russia ahead of the G20 summit in St. Petersburg in September. The deal between Moscow and Washington that could arise from such a visit well before the end of the first year of Obama’s second term – would certainly give him “more flexibility,” as he told Russia’s then-President Dmitry Medvedev in March 2012, for the rest of his term.
In April, Obama sent an initial letter to Putin, delivered by Donilon during a visit to Moscow. Though never published, the letter reportedly contained a number of constructive proposals aimed at improving bilateral relations and cooperation on pressing global issues.
“Ideas covering some of the directions have new elements, which our country will study carefully and respond to accordingly,” Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov said, referring to the letter’s contents.
A day later, Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov outlined key elements of Putin’s letter. According to Ushakov, Putin’s reply covered most of the burning issues in Russia-US bilateral relations, including missile defense, the civil war in Syria, Iran’s nuclear program, North Korea, and other topics.
Ushakov stressed that Russia’s position on missile defense generally does not converge with US plans to deploy the systems globally. “Of course, we give our assessment of the situation with the US plans for missile defense, and our estimates in many ways disagree with the American vision of this problem,” Ushakov told reporters.
While in Washington, Patrushev also met with US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, reportedly to discuss military cooperation and bilateral relations.
More on the Obama/Putin letter exchanges.

Hmmmm.......America’s worst ever President, a man with extensive pro-Moscow communist connections, doing secret deals involving U.S. national security with a life long KGB operative.Right in front of our noses folks.Read the full story here.

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