Sunday, May 26, 2013

In Memory of my Jewish Friend Alexander Munch.

Israeli Six-Day War Vet.

                                       26 Th of May - Alexander Munch 1948-2012. 

A year ago we could read the message your sons left on your blog:  "Alexander Munch has passed away in his sleep while suffering a cardiac arrest."

Goodbye my friend, you are missed dearly by your blogger friend.

Strangely enough we spoke about dying a few weeks before your death,  i remember telling you "According to me it's like going to sleep in one room and waking up in another"

It seems this is the peaceful way you took my friend.

"Death is just The Beginning, we will meet again in another life."

You can find Alex his three blogs here:




If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell.


  1. I miss Alex so much!

    Thank you for posting this, Will.

    1. Yes i miss him also so much , i miss our daily talks.


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