Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New IRS Scandal: Islamic Extremism and Sex Slaves.

Malik Obama

New IRS Scandal: Islamic Extremism and Sex Slaves.HT: W. Shoebat foundationBy Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack

When Malik Obama, President Obama’s half-brother, and Sarah Obama, the president’s step-grandmother raised money in the United States, they claimed it was for charity work in Kogelo, Kenya. It was later discovered that not only did the IRS illegally grant one of them (Malik) tax-deductible status retroactively, but in so doing, it supported an operation rife with polygamy and terror recruitment.

Read the full 22-page, explosive report here:
New IRS Scandal: Islamic Extremism and Sex Slaves

The Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) and Mama Sarah Obama Foundation (MSOF), are two entities claiming to be non-profit charities yet solicit funds from the United States. The money they claim is to build homes for widows, orphans and HIV/AIDS victims that are nowhere to be found. The only evidence where monies were spent involves a compound, which housed Malik’s 12 wives with a restaurant including a mosque with a madrassa.

While building mosques is legally considered charity, evidence shows that the entire funding came directly from entities and individuals from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain. There is nothing of charitable nature to show for all the funds Malik raises from the United States. To date, there is no evidence for any accomplishments towards building homes for orphans, widows and AIDS victims in Kogelo or anywhere else in Kenya.

The land, from the visible signs on the property, identifies the donor as “Alislah Society, Bahrain” and “Munadhamat Al-Dawa Alislamiya” (Islamic Da’wa Organization) Mission of Kenya (here). The photos were captured from de-linked web-pages that hadn't been deleted. The mosque building, it turns out, was fully donated by two individuals - “Dr. Muhammad Al-Maneea” from “Saudi Arabia” and “Ali M. Zaghmout” from Qatar (see here, here, and here.).Read the full story here.

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