Thursday, May 16, 2013

Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta: "Russian military experts are in Syria,They prepare the four divisions of S-300 for combat."

S-300 weapon system

Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta: "Russian military experts are in Syria,They prepare the four divisions of S-300 for combat."(NG).Googletranslate.
"Russian air defense missile system (ADMS) C-300 with our military advisers are already in Syria. It was noted that the supply of these types of air defense weapons in this country were conducted in secrecy for the last two years."
Military and diplomatic sources confirmed the "NG" message of London newspaper "Al-Quds al-Arabi" that Russian air defense missile system (ADMS) C-300 with our military advisers are already in Syria. It was noted that the supply of these types of air defense weapons in this country were conducted in secrecy for the last two years. And currently on Syrian territory are the four divisional system S-300, a supply agreement which was signed in 2010.
Division AAMS are camouflaged and dispersed in areas where mostly Shia population, loyal to Bashar al-Assad.
 It is possible that this information, was brought before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday . 
In Russia, in this case of Israel has no secrets. After all, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the C-300 is not subject to an arms embargo to Syria and a defensive weapon. In foreign media reports about possible supply of air defense systems to Syria have started to appear in November 2011. Although, apparently, the supplies were stepped up in the last six months, when the Russian naval presence in the Mediterranean has become a permanent and large amphibious ships (BDK) Black Sea, the Baltic and Northern fleets began to make charter flights to the Syrian port of Tartus. According to expert estimates, for the transport of one battalion of S-300 only three BDK.

Attention is drawn to the fact that reports of Moscow supplying Damascus-300 came after Israel at the beginning of May 2013 made several bombing sites in Syria and when the nations of the West began to offer the creation of humanitarian corridors and the introduction of a no-fly zone over the country.

Head Volunteer Information Agency Anna-news Marat Musin, correspondents whose two-year work constantly in combat formations Syrian army does not believe such reports "information fright for Moscow." "There is a strong possibility that the C-300 already in Syria," - he said, "NG". According Mussina Moscow in recent years has been active in the military-technical assistance to Damascus. Including upgraded many Syrian air defenses raised in the Soviet times (C-125 "Pechora" air defense missile systems "Buk", etc.), and led them to the test. But, in his opinion, "the problem is not so much the amount of air defense assets, but in literate their exploitation." Musin admits that Syrian air defense units are Russian military advisers.

It is possible that they will be more fully represented in units of the C-300. After all the work on these complex systems requires considerable skill and knowledge, and training of Syrian experts to work on them, according to open sources, began in Russia only in December 2012. Colonel Vladimir Popov, who has long served in the Army Air Defense, believes that Israel is unlikely to try to destroy the C-300 on Syrian territory, as it will be a clear act of aggression. Although he admits that the Israelis have set their sights on the position of the C-300 force the Syrian opposition. "Apply AAMS - than portable systems - the militants can not, although it is likely that sophisticated anti-aircraft systems, they just destroyed. Therefore, the position of defense and our military advisers should strongly protect ", - said the officer.

If you recall, in Soviet military history are experienced actual combat air defense units to provide air defense of Syria. Recalls, chairman of the Union of Veterans Syria Valery Anisimov, in 1983-1984 redeployed under the guise of tourists to the port of Tartus two Soviet anti-aircraft missile regiment equipped S-200, "in conjunction with the forces and air defense Syrian Arab Republic (UAR) have been actively involved in reflection of Israeli air strikes against troops CAP ". According to Anisimov, "in the affected area of ​​the regiments entered Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea." Perhaps this will be in the affected area air defense Syria after being on the alert will be delivered to the Russian S-300, the range of which can be from 75 to 150 kilometers. Indeed, there is something to be afraid of Israel and the U.S. carriers are regularly on duty off the coast of Syria.

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