Thursday, May 30, 2013

Video - DeMint on Fox News: “Obamacare Puts the IRS on Steroids”

Video - DeMint on Fox News: “Obamacare Puts the IRS on Steroids”HT: Heritage.
Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint appeared on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” tonight to warn about the new powers granted to the IRS as a result of Obamacare. “Obamacare puts the IRS on steroids,” DeMint said. “It opens the door for the IRS to come into all of our lives.” DeMint noted that more than 2,000 new IRS employees are charged with implementing President Obama’s health care law. They will be closely examining the incomes of Americans as well as business operations.
The many federal bureaucrats working on Obamacare implementation within the IRS stand at the center of an intricate web of government and regulation that will ensnare all Americans in its grasp.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) last year released a report with a chart showing all the bureaucratic offices and divisions within the IRS charged with carrying out Obamacare. Nowhere in the chart do the words doctor or patient appear—as clear a sign as any that Obamacare is not about health care; it’s about government power
And heading up this entire effort has been Sarah Hall Ingram, the same official previously in charge of the IRS unit that subjected conservative groups to additional scrutiny for their political beliefs.
The GAO made clear the extent of the IRS’s involvement with Obamacare:
The Internal Revenue Services’ implementation of [Obamacare] is a massive undertaking that involves 47 separate statutory provisions and extensive coordination across not only IRS, but multiple agencies and external partners. For example, IRS must coordinate with other federal agencies and states in providing assistance to qualifying individuals for health insurance premiums.
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