Monday, May 20, 2013

"We all have to do some belt tightening" - Obamas to Travel to Africa.

Mrs. Obama’s South Africa Trip Cost Taxpayers Over $500,000

"We all have to do some belt tightening" - Obamas to Travel to Africa.HT: WhiteHouseDossier.By KeithKoffler.

From the White House
President Obama and the First Lady look forward to traveling to Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania from June 26 – July 3. 
The President will reinforce the importance that the United States places on our deep and growing ties with countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including through expanding economic growth, investment, and trade; strengthening democratic institutions; and investing in the next generation of African leaders.
Mrs. Obama, you may remember, traveled to South Africa two years ago for a trip that was half work and half vacation. And almost all taxpayers.Hmmmm.....Quo vadis Sequester?Read the full story here.

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