Saturday, October 19, 2013

A three-member delegation comprised of the European Parliament's socialist MPs will visit Iran on Saturday.

A three-member delegation comprised of the European Parliament's socialist MPs will visit Iran on Saturday.(Taz).
A three-member delegation comprised of the European Parliament's socialist MPs will visit Iran on Saturday, Iranian MP, Hossein Sheikholeslam said, Tasnim news agency reported.
The European lawmakers' visit to Iran will last for four days, during which they are scheduled to hold a couple of meetings with Iranian officials, including Iranian parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, head of the Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi as well as the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Head of the delegation, Hannes Swoboda, will be the first high ranked European official which visits Iran after inauguration of Iranian president Hassan Rouhani on August 4.

Hannes Swoboda :
In the European Parliament he is Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (Rapporteur for Russia), Substitute Member in the Committee on Energy, Research and Industrial Policies, Member of the Delegation for the Relations to the United States of America, Member of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Cooperation Committees in Central Asia.

Since 1997, Swoboda has been the vice-president of the European Parliament's delegation for relations with south-east Europe. Much of his parliamentary work is focused on the Balkans - he is chairman of the Parliamentarian Working Group on Western Balkans -, the Middle East, Turkey and the Maghreb.

In May 2013 Swoboda drew the anger of groups opposing Turkey's prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for cancelling a meeting with Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu over a controversial statement of the latter.

Besides his involvement in foreign affairs, Swoboda focuses on economic policies and questions of inclusion, as well as the fight against the rising right wing extremism in Europe. He worked on the question of Roma discrimination in Europe, Swoboda went on several fact finding missions to get to know the situation. The experiences are discussed in his recently published book: Roma - A European Minority.Hmmmm.......Another pro Erdogan figure.

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