Friday, October 18, 2013

Saudi Arabia refuses UN Security Council seat, citing body's double standards, failures.

Saudi Arabia refuses UN Security Council seat, citing body's double standards, failures.(JPost).
Kingdom declines to take rotating seat, saying Security Council's double standards "prevent it from properly shouldering its responsibilities towards world peace"; vows not to take UNSC seat until reforms introduced. 
Saudi Arabia said on Friday it would not take up its rotating seat on the United Nations Security Council, citing "double standards" which it said hampered the world body's ability to end conflicts.

It is the second time this month that Saudi Arabia has publicly expressed discontent over what it sees as the Security Council's failure to take action to stop a civil war in Syria that has killed more than 100,000 people. "The kingdom sees that the method and work mechanism and the double standards in the Security Council prevent it from properly shouldering its responsibilities towards world peace," the foreign ministry said in a statement carried by state news agency SPA.

Saudi Arabia, along with Chad and Nigeria, were elected by the UN General Assembly on Thursday to serve a two-year term on the UN Security Council as human rights groups called for all three countries to improve their records.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry said it was unable to take its seat until reforms were introduced, but did not specify what reforms it wanted.

US-allied Saudi Arabia has been angry over what it says is the failure of the international community to help either Syrian rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad or Palestinians seeking an end to more than four decades of Israeli occupation. Hmmmm.....Pass the popcorn it's going to get interesting.Read the full story here.

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