Thursday, October 17, 2013

'Yeti Alive and Kicking': Abominable Snowman is 'part polar bear and still roams the Himalayas'

'Yeti Alive and Kicking': Abominable Snowman is 'part polar bear and still roams the Himalayas'.HT: Telegraph.

Professor Sykes added: “This is a species that hasn’t been recorded for 40,000 years. Now, we know one of these was walking around ten years ago. And what’s interesting is that we have found this type of animal at both ends of the Himalayas. If one were to go back, there would be others still there.

That specimen dates back at least 40,000 years ago, and probably as far back as 120,000 years – a time when the polar bear and the closely related brown bear were separating as different species. 

Professor Sykes believes that the animals are hybrids – crosses between polar bears and brown bears. Because the newly identified samples are from creatures which are recently alive, he thinks the hybrids are still living in the Himalayas. Hmmm......Just in time for Halloween Season.Read the full story here.

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