Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chinese experts say SCO inevitable choice for Turkey, others should understand.

Chinese experts say SCO inevitable choice for Turkey, others should understand.(TZ).

Chinese experts say that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an inevitable choice for Turkey as the organization has much to offer Turkey, noting that Turkey has the right to decide to join any international organization and that other countries should respect this choice.
As a fully sovereign independent state, Turkey has the right to decide to join any international organization, which is a matter between Turkey and the international organization, and no third party has the right to be against this or to interfere,” said Wang Nan, a Chinese expert on the Middle East, to Today's Zaman.

Turkey's calls to be admitted as a full member of the SCO are considered a message to the European Union, which has kept Turkey waiting at its door for 50 years, analysts believe.“This is the reply to the obstacles that Turkey has faced in joining the EU. This hurts the pride of Turkish people and Turkey needs to have a new and realistic choice,” said Wang Lincong, director of the international relations division of the Institute of West Asian and African Studies and secretary-general of the Gulf Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also spoke to Today's Zaman, saying the SCO observes the principle of openness and values its partnership with observer countries, including Turkey as a dialogue partner. The SCO is mapping out detailed cooperative measures and working on improving the administrative and financial framework for new members. "SCO member states will meet and make a decision together on the applications proposed by states that are interested in joining,” said the ministry.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said Turkey is seriously considering becoming a full member of the SCO, which is a mutual security organization that was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. 

The other countries, with the exception of Uzbekistan, had been members of the Shanghai Five, established in 1996; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed the organization.“We can understand the proposal from Turkish leaders. This is in line with the development of Turkey. But the strategy of ‘facing East' does not mean Turkey has given up on the EU,” said Wang Lincong to Today's Zaman.

Chinese experts: Turkey's participation would strengthen organizationTurkey, a NATO member, has been seeking closer ties with the SCO. Turkey was accepted as a dialogue partner by the SCO at its annual summit in Beijing on June 7, 2012.“It is an honor for other member states to have a country such as Turkey that is willing to join the SCO. Turkey is a country with a strong economy and is developing rapidly. 

If Turkey could join the SCO or have some sort of cooperation with this organization, it would raise the effective strength of this organization,” said Wang Nan.He noted that the relationship between the SCO and Turkey should not affect Turkey's relationship with other organizations. “The other member states should respect and understand this even if Turkey chooses to be a member of both the SCO and the EU,” said Wang Nan.

Observers say any bid to join the SCO would affect Turkey's status as a NATO member and could even mean the end of Turkish membership in NATO.“So Turkey is showing strong interest in the SCO and is willing to become a member. This is a normal matter, and the other members of the international community should understand this point,” noted Wang Nan.

Saying that it is still not clear when Turkey would formally apply to join the SCO, Wang Nan noted that it was certain that Turkey would receive just and fair treatment from the other members.

Meanwhile, NATO, the US and a few other countries have continued to put pressure on Turkey for its selection of a Chinese missile system for its long-term, long-range missile and aerial defense program, code-named T-Loramids. The systems competing in the T-Loramids surface-to-air missile (SAM) acquisition project were the Chinese HQ-9, the US Patriot, Europe's Aster 30 SAMP/T and the Russian S-300.Turkey decided to start contract negotiations with Chinese CPMIEC in its six-year project to acquire long-range missile and air defense systems.However, there has been increasing speculation in recent days that Turkey may cancel its highly controversial project with China as pressure has mounted on the NATO member country not to go ahead with a non-NATO system that will not be interoperable with the alliance's air defense network.Hmmmm.......Who in his right mind would still trust NATO 'Ally' Turkey?

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