Tuesday, December 24, 2013

PM Netanyahu May Condition Advancing Peace Talks On Pollard Release

PM Netanyahu May Condition Advancing Peace Talks On Pollard Release.(Jpost).
Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu will ask US President Barack Obama to commute the life sentence of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard at a critical stage of the diplomatic talks with the Palestinian Authority, Channel 2 diplomatic correspondent Udi Segal reported last night.
Netanyahu had tied Pollard’s release to talks with the Palestinians in the past. He reached a deal with former US president Bill Clinton to commute Pollard’s sentence in 1998 as part of the Wye River Accord, but Clinton reneged on the deal after then-CIA director George Tenet threatened to quit.

The prime minister reportedly asked the US for Pollard’s freedom six months ago when Israel committed to release 104 Palestinian terrorists as diplomatic negotiations were restarted. Netanyahu has brought up Pollard with the Americans repeatedly since then. Hmmm....Does he really want to give this 'Honor' to Obama as the pres who released Pollard? While halting all construction and giving away Jerusalem?Read the full story here.

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