Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The ‘Gore Effect’ Strikes Downunder.

The ‘Gore Effect’ Strikes Downunder. HT: WUWT.

Craig Kelly, MP writes:

With Al Gore visiting Canberra today, it’s little surprise that the ‘Al Gore Effect’ has struck again.

The ‘Al Gore Effect’ is defined by the Urban Dictionary as;

the phenomenon that leads to unseasonably cold temperatures, driving rain, hail, or snow whenever Al Gore visits an area to discuss global warming.

There are countless examples of Al Gore visiting a city, only for freezing below normal temperatures to strike.

Simply the phenomenon of the ‘Al Gore Affect’ is Mother Nature laughing at Al Gore, as he jet sets around the world preaching that we are all doing to fry, Mother Nature turns on an icy blast of freezing weather.

In Canberra it was only last month that the Bureau of Meteorology foretold that Canberra was likely to experience “a dry and warmer-than-average winter”.

But as Al Gore rolled into Canberra – so to did blizzard conditions, icy temperatures and a big dump of snow in surrounding mountains.

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