Friday, October 31, 2014

Israeli Def Min Ya'alon Cancels the Procurement of the V-22 Ospreys helicopters.

Ya'alon Cancels the Procurement of the V-22 Ospreys helicopters. HT: IMRA.

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: It should be noted that the key value of the F-35 is that it ostensibly cannot be detected - and that in the coming decades our enemies won't be able to detect them.

Unfortunately, the technology for detecting F-35's has ALREADY been developed so it only remains a question as to when our enemies will be equipped with detection gizmos] 

"Ya'alon Cancels the Procurement of the V-22 Ospreys" IsraelDefense 30/10/2014

Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon decided to cancel the procurement of V-22 Osprey helicopter aircraft, according to the newspaper "Israel Hayom".

According to the publication, the decision was made contrary to the position of the IDF, and officials in Israel fear it will spark rage in the administration in Washington. As recalled, Israel has agreed with the US on the purchase of six V-22 Osprey aircraft, manufactured by Boeing. It should be noted that the transaction has not yet been formally signed. The transaction value is about $10 billion, and it also included the acquisition of refueling aircraft, radars and more.

According to the newspaper publication, the change in Ya'alon's position seems to be due to budgetary reasons and as a result of Operation Protective Edge.

Ya'alon also decided in favor of increased procurement of "Namer" heavy APCs and increasing the inventory of IDF's precision munitions.

The Minister of Defense made the resolution in opposition to the army, which supported the V-22 procurement, but it seems that the Chief of Staff and Air Force Commander have no intention to appeal the decision.

The decision to cancel the procurement arrives a few days after the Minister of Defense and his American counterpart agreed on the acquisition of a second squadron of the advanced F-35 fighter jet.

"Israel Hayom" reported that the Ministry of Finance now requires freezing the purchase in order to fully review the security needs of Israel following Operation Protective Edge, and only afterwards approve the additional procurement of advanced aircraft. Hmmm.....I said it before in my humble opinion the F-35 is the White elephant among fighter jets.

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