Friday, October 31, 2014

Muslim Leader Raheel Raza Warns Canada It's 'Under Attack'

Muslim Leader Raheel Raza Warns Canada It's 'Under Attack'. (RaheelRaza).

Raheel Raza, an intercultural and interfaith diversity consultant—and an award-winning Muslim journalist—is offering a strong warning to her Canadians. Raza wrote an open letter to Canadians that starts with these words: Canada is under attack.

"Since 9/11 and perhaps even before that, some of us Muslims have been insisting that Canada is not safe from terrorist attacks and that it's just a matter of time," she writes. "Yesterday we heard the shocking news that a Canadian soldier was run over in Quebec. Some people shrugged this off as the work of a mentally deranged person probably acting alone."

As she sees it, "We can either continue to believe in the handbook titled 'Radicalization for Dummies' and act vague and politically correct on clear indications of where the problem originates from, or we can take immediate action as Canadians.

"Otherwise rest assured the rabid ideology behind acts of blatant terrorism will only grow," she says. "And when that happens, please don't come looking for 'moderate Muslims' as we have been saying this since a decade and continue to stand on guard for Canada but is anyone listening?"

Events will unfold and Canada may go back to doing business in its usually politically correct way. In the meantime 90 known unsavory characters who wish to harm Canada and are known to the RCMP are still around. What are we doing about this?

As a Muslim whose faith has been replaced by an evil ideology, I can’t stand by idly and watch these events evolve when they have already been forecast not just by me, but by many others like me who are concerned about the security and safety of this land we call home.

Here is what Canada needs to do.

1. Close all mosques for three months to have intense scrutiny on the Imams and their sermons in the past 3 months. This is not abuse of religious freedom – it’s to ENSURE that religion can be free and survive in Canada while protecting the country.
2. All Muslim organizations (including mine) should submit detailed financial statements to show where their donations are coming from.
3. Put a moratorium on immigration from Muslim countries for a set period till matters here settle down. Anyone wishing to partake in armed Jihad abroad or proven to be returning from such a venture, needs to have their citizenship revoked and given a one-way ticket to the country of their choice as soon as possible.
4. Islamic schools need to have accountability and if their syllabus shows even an iota of hate, they should be shut down.
5. The Islamists calls for un-reasonable accommodation like face covering, special prayer spaces, Friday prayers in public schools should be taken with a pinch of salt and instead of just giving in to these demands, there should be a body of well-informed Canadians discussing and debating these issues in light of Canadian values and norms.
We know that the new enemy is an ideology and we have to defeat it in the way communism was defeated. Not by targeting the faith, but by targeting those who are using their faith to promote subversive agendas of violence and terrorism. This has to be done with active participation of government and citizens from all walks of life without resorting to hate and bigotry.

We need to expose, educate and eradicate. Hmmm.....I love this lady her style :)

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